Really that bad?

The trailer isn't too impressive, and the girl who plays "Neera" seems too amateur, but is the movie really a 1.3?






points to the subject title... bah, no kiddding...most of it was pretty painful..I'd rather see some cheap cartoon than this think the kids would at least half some sort of accent or something... and what the heck is with the ending?! it doesn't even connect with the first film... *grumbles*



...i really respect the whole work these people have done in order to create such pictures, but sorry - that movie was one of the worst and cheesiest things i've ever seen...!!!

maybe i came to it with way too high expectations after knowing "the black stallion" for so long - an absolutely masterpiece. i mean, i knew that this movie could NEVER beat the original one - but i've never expected it to be THAT bad*LOL* - one cheesy piece after the other, music NON STOP (how bad is that!!! the best part of "the black stallion" has no music at all...!!!), the girl has a TERRIBLE accent and the actors (even the horses *lol*) play AWFULLY!!! the whole story is soooo OH SO DISNEY REALISTIC (not at all!!!) and cheesy that it spills over...

all in all - beautiful horse shots, but not more...


People, just FORGET about it being a sequel!! or prequel or what the devil either. As a stand-alone film, it sounds fine.


Yes, it really is that bad.
If you watch it, make sure that you erase anything you have previously seen or read about 'The Black Stallion' series from your mind, because it does not connect with anything in the series except for the names of two characters...The Black and Abu Ben Ishak.
It is a film all it's own, so you have to simply watch it as just that.
