Sven-Ole Thorsen talks german!

To me, that was the highlight of this movie.

Sven-Ole as Hitler's bodyguard saying "Kein Zutritt."(No entrance) - "Ich sage, kein zutritt."(I said, no entrance)....and then getting killed! It was brilliant! Just too bad he didn't have a reappearing role in this movie, that would've rocked!

-This is my John Hancock?


He's actually played german characters before. In "Sum of all fears", he gives it out as a full blooded neo-nazi, where he gives a 10 seconds long monologue about the supremacy of the arien race :) Anyway, I don't know how well he speaks german, because when you here him talk it in movies, he talks with a very strong danish accent, making it sound like he's just reading lines from a script.


Yeah, I know, he was cool in 'Sum of all Fears' too, but not quite as funny as he was here. He talks german in "In Enemy Hands" (aka "U-boat"), and he speaks german as well as he speaks english...but the accent fits him well in movies where he's supposed to play a foreigner. Americans can't hear the difference.

-This is my John Hancock?

