This Movie SuX


It's Awful!


I will admit that it lacked a well-deserved ending, but I don't believe it sucked. Remember, it was straight to video so it isn't Academy Award winning material anyway. As a matter of fact, it was one of the first straight to video releases I actually enjoyed in a long time... untill the sudden drop off at the end.


This movie was ok at the most, no where near as good as Van Dammes original Timecop. Bad idea to make a sequel to a good Van Damme movie without Van Damme in it, maybe he knew it was gonna be the way it was and didnt want to have anything to do with it, nice move jcvd.


Yeah, cause Jean Claude Van Damme always picks the 4 star movies to act in, lol. But seriously, I think Timecop is probably the best movie I've seen him in. Other then that, Sudden Death. A Die Hard rip-off for sure, but then again, Die Hard's cool, I can watch rip-offs and be happy with it. Plus you don't go wrong with Powers Booth saying "A young wine. Frisky." (something like that, lol). I wanna know the name of that Jet Li movie I saw once which I swear copied Die Hard scene for freaking scene. I swear, it's a Die Hard remake with foreigners (I didn't feel saying Japanese/Chinese/Asian etc cause I don't know where Li is from.)


Yep, that sounds right....Van D only does quality flicks...



Same with Steven Segal. All quality flicks.


Oh yeah, who needs Pacino and De Niro with these two around..




Also, the glaring factual error at the end sucked copious amounts of rectum. The part where they're showing what happened to everybody and they show us the racist bartender. It says something like he went on to co-found the town's first chapter of the Klu Klux Klan. It's KU! KU KLUX KLAN, you morons!


Do we have to correct it???
Anyway i personally felt this movie was better then the first. Actucally i hated that ending since it ended stuff(well not neccesarily). I really hope they would just be smart and make a well advertised timecop tv series(they had one but didnt do so well). I mean take the people from timecop 2 and you got a good series. Anyway i thought this movie had some exploration into time travel and theres one thing i'm wondering though did the father die from blonde boy???
i mean we learn that blonde boy did a 180 when he saw himself so that erases everything except ryan chans memorys.


When dealing with time travel movies you run into little problems like that which is why the ending in this one was so vague.

2003 USC Trojans, the REAL national champions


One of the worst movies i ever saw.


it's ok i guess
An alcoholic is someone you don't like who drinks as much as you do.


This was a better movie than I expected, I enjoyed it a lot. But of course there were parts that confused me, and time travel in general confuses me a lot, but it's late and I'm not gonna get into that..


"Bad idea to make a sequel to a good Van Damme movie without Van Damme in it"

True. Look what happened to "Universal Soldier 2" and "Universal Soldier 3", they sucked so bad that when a "real" sequel with Van Damme was made, they just ditched the other two "sequels".


The original Timecop would never have won an oscar, but this took it to the extreme. The key to being able to enjoy this movie is to just sit back, pretend anything and everything is possible.

Life-the most fatal disease. :P


Replying to Neoblackdragons post: since after Ryan (Jason Scott Lee) gives Brandon Miller (Younger long-haired, college-boy version) his fortune cookie type advice ... We just assume that everything that was orcastrated by Brandon and his alterist views to change time never happened. So we just assume Ryan's dad was never killed because it was Brandon (The older alterist version) that went back in time and killed him.

I thought it was an alright straight-to-DVD video ... I'm really intrigued by this concept and if this concept was handed properly, you could make a great series out of this. Oh well my wishful thinking =)


if you liked time cop 1 chances are you liked timecop2.
if you hated time 2 well.. its your fault for watching 2.

I liked it.
I like Paradox movies.
The best Paradox movie ever is.... Primer.
Rent it or Buy it. I did both. Won Sundance in 04.


Twas OK! Not brilliant, but good in parts. Jean-Claude van Damme, incidentally, is one of the worst actors in the history of cinema - Dolph Lungren is the only worse actor I think of!


The acting by everyone sucked.
