Any good?

I was gonna rent this the other day but I decided not to because I'm not sure how well of acting Paris Hilton does? So was this movie any good and possibly worth seeiing?


This movie for me was a 1.5 out of a possable 5. The story had no logical reasoning. Paris did a really good job I think, but other than that you saved two hours of your life that I will never get back LOL.
No it was not a good movie at all, I hope I answered your question


"You need to find yourself a girl mate"--Johnny Depp


I rented this this weekend only because paris was in it. This movie is not worth buying or rent. Very bad film!


This movie is a bimbo-fest!
The total IQ of the women actors wouldn't go over 40!

This is a mild horror film that contains no originality and is very boring.

In other words, it sucks the big one!



Not really. It has a few funny moments and that chick from 'Quills', but overall it's not very good.

What really killed it for me (as I think I said in my review) was the boring as hell first fifteen minutes, and the monologue at the end: the middle was at least entertaining most of the time, though I hated most of the characters so much that I wanted to see them dead, which is always a bad sign.



I dont remember that, I can remember her running the bath water but i dont remember any nudity



Actually I didnt think it was that bad. I have to admit that the plot was a bit of a stretch but i thought it was good. Paris gave an okay performance. What really kept me watching was David Nicolle who played Pete. He was so cute and had such a great accent. I would say at least rent it.


My main problem, other than those I mentioned earlier, was that I don't think the bits I found most amusing were _meant_ to be funny :). Also, I'm still trying to work out whether they lifted a lot of the plot from 'Sorority House Massacre 2', or just came up with similar ideas independently... I'm assuming the latter, but even the flash-forward at the start was very much like that movie.


nOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it was terrible and so hilton couldnt act at allllllll she sucked!!!!!!

it was really bad..dont watch it



I rented this because I knew it would be bad. And I was correct. It was one you laugh at. However, it's not one where it's like "Wow this dialouge is hilarious!" or "Wow...that was so scary (Not)!" and you just laugh at it but instead it was just, dull. The dialouge wasn't corny, but it was dull as a doorknob. Anything scary? TRhere's one possilbe "Boo!" scene where something/someone pops out (I won't reveal what happens in great detail) but that's even "Eh...". Aside from that, the mansion hardly came off as a "mansion". People certainly pay much for set design. The sets are as dull, if not worse, then the whole film overall. At one part, I'd fast-foward just because it was so slow and anti-climatic. Don't rent it.

Enjoy The Show


"People certainly pay much for set design. The sets are as dull, if not worse, then the whole film overall."

But wasn't it filmed in a real mansion? If even that was unconvincing, it must have been done even worse than I remembered :).


I didnt care for this.... but i couldnt watch much of it... since someone said the first 15 minutes were the worst part maybe ill give it a second try....

as a general observance ive only liked ONE movie that lions gate has EVER put out and that was rose red... if i would have seen that nine lives was a lions gate i would have never bought it in the first place

Stuart: Sex is kinda like pizza. When it's bad, it's still pretty good.


what do you mean islandgirl?

I came, I saw, I hit em right in da jaw..


the only reason I'm going ot watch the movie is Lex Sharpnel



It wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be. I was amused by Paris Hilton, because her character seemed to say things I imagine Paris wants to say in real life but her image won't allow her to.
There were a few genuine scares and a creepy atmosphere.


I actually liked this movie. It wasn't scary. I just liked the dialogue between the characters. Besides, what was so big about Paris? She


died in the first like 15 minutes.


i thought the movie recked! i mean it sucked and paris hilton died like right away!! like the first minute somebody left her alone she was dead!! rip off!!


this is a good movie , me and my friends rented it lasted night and we all loved it it was fun scary and the acting is fine, one bad thing is paris is barely in it, she is 2nd to die


This movie is aweful! First of all, I love slasher flicks, regardless of acting so I didn't expect any award winning performances, or even an incredible plot. I thought Paris did alright as far as acting goes, for Paris anyway. First of all, I got so sick of hearing that chick talk. YOu all know who I'm talking about, can't remember her name, but all she did was tell everyone what to do through the entire movie. I was glad to see her die finally, I only wish it had come sooner, rather than 5 minutes before the end of the film. Second when I rent movies like this, I expect bad acting, not a very good plot, but I do expect lots of gore. Come on, stab wounds everytime, get a little creative. There were no surprises, we all knew what was going on with Murray?, before the characters figured it out, I did at least. Furthermore, the ending sucked. No big twist or anything. As a fan of campy horror films, adn slasher flicks, this movie sucked.


I'm just like Quentin Tarintino, i like b-movies and stupid movies (i mean his favorite movie is "Manos: The Hands of Fate"), and i honestly say this movie was OK. It had no real "art" of making the film. It was just you watching 9 people wigging out the whole time. Besides that, i would say, save it for a boring day and rent it.


"Besides that, i would say, save it for a boring day and rent it"

Better yet, rent 'Sorority House Massacre 2'. It's basically the same plot, the writing is better (they actually spent a whole weekend writing the script), and Paris Hilton isn't in it.



Paris Hilton did not ruin this film whatsoever, she did a good job for the role she had
