MovieChat Forums > Keen Eddie (2003) Discussion > Song in the footballer (soccer player) e...

Song in the footballer (soccer player) episode

HELP!!! This song is spinning in my head! Can anyone tell me what it is? Its when the episode's almost ending. A woman's voice, something like "all the things I feel", and lots of little beeps... i know sounds pathetic, but its really catchy...


I love that song...just can't remember title or singer.

These are the lyrics I caught:

"think of all those things you feel

just be glad to be here"

From Keen Eddie ep with soccer player...scuze player.

yankee wanker!
you haggis eatin' bagpipe!

lol...hope we see the bar-owning hooligans again.


Heh, I missed that part... tuned in late. Somehow stereotypes come out funny in this show...

Anyway, I got it. "Hayling" by FC Kahuna, from the album Machines Say Yes. Thanks for the lyrics, they helped. Damn, these guys know their London underground music scene. This show really makes me miss being in London.


I just got on to the message boards to see if anyone knew this song - you guys are so quick!! The girl singing says, "Don't think about all those things you feel, And just be glad to be here." That song really stays in your head and they placed it very appropriately within the episode - while Eddie was telling Fiona that nobody's happy. This is such a cool show! I must admit, the only reason I started watching it is because Mark Valley is such a hottie, but his character is great too! Long live Keen Eddie!!


Found the song, wuzonge...thanks much! You're right, 'surf...they ARE fast here! I checked in RIGHT after the show ended and people were already on it.

Ya gotta luv the internet!!
