Quick question...

I have watched the first couple eps of Human Target, and really like Mark Valley...So here's my question: Do I want to buy the box set of Keen Eddie?

I never saw the original show, but I've been to Amazon, and the reviews say that it pretty much sucks without the original music. Since I never saw it with the original music, would it make a difference for me? The show description seems like something I would really enjoy, so I'm just looking for some opinions on what kind of difference the music makes...

Thanks for your time!! : )


keen eddie is amazing. even without the original music (which they kind of dropped the ball on by not putting it on the dvds) the show is amazingly addictive. you'll love it.

what girl would want diamonds when she could have Flowers?


The music makes no difference to me.

I loved the show, bought the DVD-set, and never noticed the music replacement.

I only know of it because people were discussing it here.


"Keen Eddie" is one of my favorite shows -- I like Mark Valley in most of the stuff I see him in.

Keen Eddie is quirky and fun. Lots of folks log in to say that it sucks because there is some detail about London that is incorrect. Really? That ruins the whole experience for you?

You can find some clips on youtube and 'livevideo.com' to see if they're to your liking.

yeah -- the DVD's are worth it. Enjoy!

Talking monkey, yeah, yeah. Came here from the future, ugly sucker, only says "ficus"


Definitely buy the DVDs - but be sure to watch them in the correct order - NOT the order they are on the DVDs.


What's the order again?

I can understand the music, with copyright issues, but why change the episode order?
