Time Stting?

I have just seen parts of this film on cable, I never seem to be able to see it all the way through. I don't know if its stated or indicated as to when this film was meant to take place. My guess would be like the late 1970s?, based on the cars, etc. Also, at the 3end , when the credits are rolling, they are showing some of the old casinos being demolished.

The film almost foreshadows the drastic changes in Vegas that took place in the 1970s and early 1980s. The mob was finally driven out of Vegas, and the city was being turned into a more family freindly tourist detination. By the 1980s, the days of mob thugs murdering with impunity were over. I think the myth of a "cooler" was also an outdated Vegas idea. I've done enough gambling in my life to know that it always evens out in the end, there's no one born lucky or unlucky.


Wasn't it a contemporary setting? Wasn't Macy using a cell phone when his son called? I'm pretty sure there were cells being used in this flick.

My sig: why do almost all movies on imdb have a "worst movie ever!" thread?


I know you wrote this years ago, but apparently this movie was set in contemporary times. On another thread, someone mentioned a car, a Lexus I believe, being a recent model 2000 something. They are also still tearing down old Vegas and rebuilding still currently, it hasn't stopped. In 2015 they were in talks to tear down the Riviera to expand the Convention Center, I'm not my sure where that is at in negotiations currently though. My husband and I got married back on the 1st of April 2006 at the good old Stardust and imagine our utter dismay when we couldn't celebrate our 1 year anniversary there because 13th March 2007 it was demolished to make the Echelon monstrosity. Exactly the Shangri-la situation! So sad that the real Vegas has gone the way of the dinosaurs...extinct, only to be fondly remembered by those lucky enough to have lived it. =( I'm glad I am one!


Cool stuff, thanks!
