Unnecessary nudity

I remember when this show came out I was excitedly looking forward to watching it thinking it had a great plot line. After watching the pilot episode I thought I was going to be hooked. I eagerly waited for the second episode. However, one of the first scenes in that episode was complete with nudity. I can't remember if I ended up watching all of the second episode or not, but I was turned off from watching the rest of the episodes. There was no obvious reason for having nudity in it so what was the point? I am wondering if the series would have had a longer run if it was more family friendly.


Really you turned off one of the best sci fi series ever because of a little skin? Seriously bro!


I think the amount of profanity in it meant it was never intended to be family friendly. Also there's no such thing as unnecessary nudity.

"Make me a baby!
Make me a star!
Leave my coffin slightly ajar!"
- Lesley Gore


I think you might need therapy.

"I'm dying!"
"Yes, you are!"


Nudity is just dreadful. It's not like we all have bodies or anything mad like that. I know that, as I am just a disembodied conciousness. I find all things physical offensive.

Personally, I much prefer a nice bit of violence. As long as it's not nude violence of course. It's much nicer and preferable to watch someone smash someone's face in with a fire extinguisher than to see, god forbid, a bit of boob or fanny(vagina to Americans). The naked human body offends everything I stand for so I tend to sit.
