Best moments of MLaaTR

I'm making a tribute video for MLaaTR. For clip transition, I have it set so that the clip freezes on the last second and fades away as the next clip begins. What I want to do is have the images the clips freeze on be the main focus of the video. So my question is, what do other fans believe to be the most memorable moments of the show? As examples, I believe some of the most memorable moments are Jenny and Sheldon's first kiss in Robot for All Seasons, Brad and Jenny's first kiss in Ball and Chain, Jenny and the Silver Shell's dance under the disco ball in Dancing With My Shell, and the group hug at the end of Escape From Cluster Prime.

Please list whatever moments you think mean most to the show during it's three season run. They can be scenes that introduce a character, something that changed the show, or just a moment you thought was cool or cute. I'll try to use as many as possible in my video, which will be posted on LiveVideo once finished.


Misty's appearence. In all three of her episodes, she's proven to have her own unique attitude towards life.


Jenny and Brad's hug at the end of Bradventure was adorable and would fit in with those other scenes rather well.


Do some clips from Victim of Fashion and put some clips from The Return of the Raggedy Android

"Never wound something you can't kill."- Venom
That means he must return!


The clip in Daydream Believer where Jen locks herself into dream mode and does that goofy Mickey Mouse walk with that brainless smile on her face.
