MovieChat Forums > A Sound of Thunder (2005) Discussion > How butterfly surrvived vulcano???

How butterfly surrvived vulcano???

It doesn't end up for me. Vulcano goes off in 5 minutes. So how fast butterfly could be and how it could survived eruption? I don't think it could so it shouldn't triger butterfly effect. Just my thoughts.


No idea - in the original story the tyrannosaurus was supossed to be crushed under a falling tree, not melted in lava.

They butchered up the movie really good, they even went back to the Crateceous and encountered an allosaurus, a dino from the Jurassic period -.-


Maybe that butterfly was a part in the genetic soup of some creature that would crawl out of the primordial swamps?


Hmm, good thought.


I just seen this.
Pretty sure she said never to bring anything back to the present.
And the butterfly was on the bottom of his shoe so this must have been what caused things to change?



i think a big clue is in the name butterFLY...the thing can fly away...just try catching one of the things as tehy are quite fast and agile when they want to be


No butterfly is going to out run a pyroclastic flow/blast.. It would have been cooked to a crisp...


I'm also wondering about that. Since it wasn't explained we can't pick holes in their story, but if you wanted to explain it, perhaps the butterfly was pushed in front of the cloud and miraculously lived through it all. I mean, from the perspective of the movie it happened to live, so the 1:1,000,000 chance... well, happened.

I don't say this is reasonable etc, but one possible.



Clearly its a reference to 'the butterfly effect', a metaphor of a metaphor, pretty clever , reminds me of Michael Crichton's style of writing.
