The movie was entertaining

Sci-fi fans, let's not be too critical. Most of us desire to be entertained, not overwhelmed by deep, philosophical, social, or existential plots.

I expect to be entertained when I watch a sci-fi movie. If that's accomplished the movie is a success to me. I don't expect every sci-fi movie to be another 'Blade Runner' or 'Fahrenheit 451' or '1984'. Some sci-fi movies become classics later on. Anyone out there remember, 'Soylent Green'?

I enjoyed the premise of accidentally-altered evolution, even though the plot device revolving around a squashed butterfly was admittedly far-fetched. Yes, I have heard of Chaos Theory - the flapping of the butterfly's wings in South Africa causes a hurricane in southern Florida. In actuality the dust devil swirling from the Moroccan desert onto the easten Atlantic Ocean metastisizes from a rain storm, then gale, then hurricane on southern Florida.

Didn't anyone relish the scene where actress Catherine McCormack briefly depicts what humans would have looked like directly evolved from fishes? I dug the catfish whiskers on her face and the eyelids that closed from the sides and not from the top. Unfortunately her altered sex appeal left much to be desired as a naked fish woman doesn't fit Playboy material.


The only entertaining thing about this film is ED BURNS who's TOTALLY HOT!


I did enjoy parts of the film. But I've learned that you got to grade Scifi channel movies only against other Scifi channel movies. Last week they had Sound of Thunder followed by 100 Million BC. Although in the real world this production of Sound of Thunder was full of plot holes and had some bad effects on the Scifi channel it should be considered Shakespearean quality. Be happy it wasn't another giant snake movie.

...and if you disagree with me then you, sir, are worse than Hitler.


I found it entertaining in only the most comedic way. My man and I were LOLing.


The story is very good and original, but the acting was even worst than CGI... I really wish Emrich or Bay were the directors. What a movie it could have been!


The special effects were great and, though I'm a huge sci-fi fan, I really enjoyed watching this movie. Mostly because I didn't have to understand anything about it: The story was complete nonsense. Thankfully that was clear to me after about 5 minutes.
So... overall... I would recommend this piece of crap to others. It's fun if you don't take it seriously.


JEFF "you da man!" Finally I find something on here with a true and balanced brain!

It was an entertaining expansion of the Bradbury original. Nothing more and nothing less but a fun movie!

Enrique Sanchez


I love this movie. I find it very entertaining in a way I don't find many major blockbusters that have come out in the last 5 yrs. When I put the DVD on I watch it at least 3 times in one sitting.

The truth of life has been revealed.
