I hate Philip Glass!

His score was present throughout the whole movie and completely undermined my efforts to pay attention to the ideas being presented. Why did he have to be picked for this documentary, which might benefit from removing his music completely?


I like Philip Glass, but still found the score for this film very annoying. McNamara's words are plenty weighty on their own; the portentous editing only detracts.


"Knock Knock?"
"Who's there"
"Philip Glass"
"Philip Glass who?"
"Knock Knock?"
"Who's there"
"Philip Glass"

[And I say this as a Philip Glass fan.]


I loved that bit in the Glass documentary. The whole theater was cackling.

As for The Fog Of War: Philip Glass is a genius, and no music he composes for a particular film is out of place, or any less than brilliant. This is no exception.


The score was really unnecessary


Your head is unnecessary, ha!


I love Philip Glass's music and I think it works in this doco v well.

"Everything is safe till it goes wrong" - Joe Simpson, "Touching the Void" - book only.


The score was terrific. Philip Glass is one of the better composers of our time.


A great deal of the rhythm and flow of the movie results from the interplay of Glass's music and Morris's editing to match it. It may not add to the script, but it makes the movie far more compelling. I'd have been a lot more interested in American history in 11th grade if I could have seen this movie as part of it.



I love his scores in all of Errol Morris's docummentaries!
