Unfortunately human technology has raced past human nature

Human nature and the maturity of the human race, their excessive emotionality has been outstripped by progress and technology. This is exactly what is happening here. We are not that far from the atilla the hun and genghis khan in maturity as far as human nature is concerned, yet we are now in charge of all of these weapons . Not a very good recipe, I am not really sure what the future holds, and I will try to be optimistic. But who knows.


I don't agree. We managed to kill each other with rocks or bare fists, so it's not like we crossed a line from being in control of technology to not being in control of it. Technology always has been subservient to our nature; in fact that's its very purpose. If anything, we've at least developed certain values of empathy and basic rights that impede our rashest excesses somewhat.

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Well said, AssetsonFire.
