
This movie sucked! You have to be drunk or high to enjoy this one.

Damn!! My posts attract so many nutty B-A-S-T-A-R-D-S! Juicy Gotcha Krazy! http://tinyurl.com/n6tuh


and i guess if you didnt like you have to be a hater or a racist? Not either one? over generalizing kills....


WTF? Are you talking about?!! You don't have to be a hater or a Racist to not like this movie.

Damn!! My posts attract so many nutty B-A-S-T-A-R-D-S! Juicy Gotcha Krazy! http://tinyurl.com/n6tuh


ok then, you dont have to be drunk or high to like it...thas why i said that whole little thing about over generalizing....


ok then, you dont have to be drunk or high to like it...thas why i said that whole little thing about over generalizing....

Okay, that's much better than the first post.

Damn!! My posts attract so many nutty B-A-S-T-A-R-D-S! Juicy Gotcha Krazy! http://tinyurl.com/n6tuh


um, i dont see how its better than the first post, but anyway, i wasnt trying to start anything, just basically making a point that you made an over generalization and just assumed some stuff, thas all, kinda being the devils advocate...


Well I'm sorry that I made you mad. I thought the movie sucked. I saw it with a group of people and the only people that laughed out of the group were drunk and high, LOL!!!!

Damn!! My posts attract so many nutty B-A-S-T-A-R-D-S! Juicy Gotcha Krazy! http://tinyurl.com/n6tuh


mad? lol not hardly its just that it was easily debatable and your entitled to your own opinion so if you didnt like it, its cool with me lol i mean, when the person brought it to me, im thinkin oh no, not another low budget "black" movie, but to me, it was better than some other low budget "black" movies so it exceeded my expectations a lil, but i wasnt really that serious about the comments....


Cool I'm happy that you weren't upset.

Damn!! My posts attract so many nutty B-A-S-T-A-R-D-S! Juicy Gotcha Krazy! http://tinyurl.com/n6tuh


this is way off topic, but i wanted to you know how you use emoticons on here...thanx in advance


Click "markup enabled" the next time you reply and have a blast! I love them so.

Damn!! My posts attract so many nutty B-A-S-T-A-R-D-S! Juicy Gotcha Krazy! http://tinyurl.com/n6tuh


it really sucks

My Cat's Breath Smells Like Pussy

Oh And I Worship Amber Tamblyn!


that movie was good,and i loved Boom,hes so funny!



Worst movie I've ever seen... really.

I don't wanna waste one of these boulders - they're expensive!
