THAT bad??

I don't have the game (I don't have any FF-games) I just look at them and so on, but this game really surprises me: The rating is 4.3???
How can it be, that a FF-game is THAT bad??
I just want your opninion on this!




It is on the PS2 but you need the online adapter and the hard drive both of which Sony stopped supporting soon after their releases.

Also since it's a MMORPG it doesn't feel like a true FF which is another reason people dislike X-2.

As a MMORPG it is average and there are better ones such as WOW.


The rating seems to be miscalculated. Do it for yourself and see.
That's really weird....


It's an online RPG and it's only loosely based on any other Final Fantasy games. Very loosely. But a ton of people play it, there are a lot of servers, and at first it's hard to get into but after you play a few weeks it gets really good and it hooks you.


i couldnt get into this game at all,

for starters the classes arent as near as fun as other mmos (not going to mention the name lol) which is hugely excusable. The world environment is great, ill admit that which is why im upset i cant get into this game, but the learning curve is steep, ive hear this game is unforgivable, well so am i, and ive leveled 10 times to lvl 5 and keep getting knocked back down, thats just inexcusable. The music is amazing, but with help from Nobuo Uematsu what are you expecting. The quests are a nightmare, battle system seems sluggish and non responsive, the menu system seems like its been dragged from ff vi, the story yet deep and interesting is not executed well. All and all this game made no attempt to cater for the player so i see no reason why i should cater for the game.

And before someone calls me a wow fanboy or somethin i thought i should just say that yes i play wow and really like it, but final fantasy is my favourite game series there is. FFXII is my favourite game of all time (and yes i can see the similarities in this game, another reason for my deep dissapointment for this game), i can see why this game got the average score and it brought it on itself, maybe if the game would be a bit more user friendly it wouldnt be so low.
