Apparently in Brazil

Guns don't have any recoil or kick at all.

Not to be too picky but ca'mon!! Seeing those little kids firing away like that just looked silly.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I can't say that I am an expert in guns and I can refute you, but what I will say was that the whole movie was over the top with the kids and guns and stuff. I liked what I saw, but I don't think any of this was a true portrayal of gangsterism in Brazil.


Guns definitely do kick. Some more than others. This is supposed to be based on actual events but be that as it may, I would still think that showing the actual mechanics of firing of guns would make things appear more realistic.

Again, not to nit pic too much :o)

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Violent youth - especially in the poorest communities - is one of the biggest social problems we have here.

CITY OF GOD is much more realistic than you foreigners might think.



Yes, you are being "too picky?...

Lets give this kids real guns with real ammunition so we can have a more realistic effect, yep, that sounds reasonable...

I'm exaggerating*


You are being picky. If it was a shotgun or machine gun, then that's a different story.


Look, if you're gonna spend a bunch of money making a movie depicting (with any degree of realism) street kids engaged in extreme violence, I don't think it's too much to ask that the physical act of shooting a gun look somewhat accurate. And no, you don't have to give them real amo and guns.. Sheesh! You just show the little actors what it looks like when a gun kicks!! Very simple...

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!





I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


It was a based on a true story to a certain point. I do believe it was greatly exaggerated. All these little 8 and 10 year old's with hand guns.. expert shooting.. very silly... also, where are the Police? Lil Dice killed how many people and was never arrested? Please; the Interpol would be on that like on White on Rice. This movie had adults and kids killing people like it was an everyday part of life like having lunch or dinner.. stupid.. it was a good movie but an 8.8 is downright retarded...!!!


Watch the episode of Bizarre Foods, where he goes to Rio. The slums are completely abandoned by the government, their are no civic services like sewer systems, power, or sanitation. The slums are left to be governed by gangs.


Wow! That is pretty sad!!! Yeah, I will have to check out that episode.


At that time, those people were like they were having lunch. The reality now at City of God is very different from the movie, but that was the reality of the place between the 60s, 70s and 80s . It seems surreal to who are not from Brazil, but read anything about our sad social differences and you'll see what the film shows is not silly or overdone. We live now with a corrupt police, can't you imagine those days? Brazil it's a different place now, a better place, but it does not mean what the film shows is not real. Because it is. Believe me. I have never seen nor lived with the kind of violence that the film shows, but it is real. And it still happens today in many other Cities of God around Rio de Janeiro and all over the country. Look for other great movies of our country that depict our sad and violent reality, but real. I don't know the titles in english, but I believe it is easy to find : " A Última Parada 174" , "Carandiru" , "Ônibus 173" , "Nóticias de uma Guerra Particular", among others . And also has several books, but I believe that has not translated into english. At most, it is one of my favorite movies! And i love my country!

Sorry about my bad english. I've found some trouble writing in English lol!


Thanks for your input. Your English is a lot better than about 90% of people born and raised here in the US.


Not greatly exaggerated at all. None of those kids with guns were doing any "expert shooting" they were mostly shooting people point blank. And Interpol - really?! You think they really cared about crime in ghettos back then? Lil Dice shot up a whorehouse, not a bank. Adults and kids killing people WAS an everyday part of life in that place and time, and still is in many places in the world. Do some research.


of course they can do it

Enough is enough! I have had it with these monkey fighting snakes on this Monday thru Friday plane!

