Where can i buy this???/


(other than online)

http://www.myspace.com/paranoidandroid09 add plz......


I just picked it up at Best Buy a few days ago - it's been there for a few weeks, at least. Only $12.99.

Now I can stop watching the VHS copy that's warped from me playing it about 1,000 times, LOL.


I got mine at a Fry's Marketplace. I had never seen it anywhere else before that.

I like your sleeves. They're real big.


i buyed it from estonia. 1.50 dollars. VHS


Go to a local music or video store and ask them to special order it that is what i used to have to do or get a pre paid visa at a supermaket and just order it online on AMAZON.com i got mine their for 15 dollers and it is worth every penny.
