MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man 2 (2004) Discussion > Why don't people still adore this film?

Why don't people still adore this film?

I have seen all three Raimi films. To this day, Spider - Man 2 is the only Tobey movie I still like that much. I have not seen Webb's 2 movies so I cannot speak on the behalf of those movies. My main question is do people still like Spider - Man 2 in light of Webb's two movies? I don't get it because for years how great this movie was, and then before Amazing Spider - Man came out in 2012, people throughout 2010 and 2011 people were suddenly saying that all three movies are terrible. Tim's Burton's Batman movie and Richard Donner's Superman movie are still well liked even after the Nolan films have come out and after Zack Snyder's superman film came out. Now that the X men prequels have came out, people still like Bryan Singer's X-Men films. Why are those movies still liked but Sam Raimi's fist two spidey films are not hated now that the spider man franchise has been rebooted?


Better stuff has come out since 2004 and this was overrated to begin with...


People tend to forget older superhero films being a big deal when they were released, with the big surge of comic book movies now. I hardly see people talking about the Christopher Reeve Superman movies and people were dogging on the Tim Burton Batman movies until The Dark Knight trilogy was completed.


It's still my #1 superhero movie.

And most people I know that are more than casual CBM fans will at least acknowledge that SM2 is a great superhero film, even if it isn't their favorite.

I know this isn't the case for everyone. But rest assured, this movie is still getting love!


I still place this in my Top 10 superhero films even with all the hero films that have flooded the theatres. Bottom line, its got the core elements any true comic book reader knows makes Spidey such a great character: his troubles with girls and family, his interactions with school, and the love hate relationship the NYC citizens have with him. Nope, I still very much enjoy this film, heck I just watched the 2.1 release last night and loved it!


then before Amazing Spider - Man came out in 2012, people throughout 2010 and 2011 people were suddenly saying that all three movies are terrible.

And then after TASM2, most of them became silent as a church mouse lol (TASM1 also wasn't that good either). Bashing the old series just comes with the hype of the reboot. If Affleck's Batman movies succeed, people will turn on Nolan's films (TDKR will probably be the one that is targeted the most).

Tim's Burton's Batman movie and Richard Donner's Superman movie are still well liked even after the Nolan films have come out and after Zack Snyder's superman film came out.

There's PLENTY of Nolan fans (even Batman comic books fans) who bash Burton's films and I mean PLENTY. People were bashing the Donners films before Man of Steel came out but after Man of Steel fell flat out it's ass and wasn't that good, MOS fanboys went silent.

Now that the X men prequels have came out, people still like Bryan Singer's X-Men films.

There's plenty of people who hates Singer's X-Men films, just go on Comic Book Plus the X-Men franchise never got rebooted in the first place and Singer is still doing the movies.


I never cared for this movie that much. I don't like how they wrote Ock and had the AI in his tentacles be the villain. He wasn't even in control of himself from the time the arms were perminatley bonded to him. I also don't care for Tobey Maguire's take on Peter Parker. Peter may have been a nerd in the comics but he wasn't a completely shy, awkward, uber nerd like Raimi and co portrayed him. This whole movie is filled with Peter not being able to do simple things and failing miserable at life.

Then like half the movie he isn't Spider-Man anymore because he lost his powers. Frankly in the original comic of Spider-Man no more Peter gives up being Spider-Man for only a day when he realizes he is failing a lot of people by not being Spider-Man. Really in this movie he only becomes Spider-Man again because his girlfriend is kidnapped by Doc Ock. If that didn't happen he never would've gone back to being Spidey. He may have acted like he was but without Doc Ock kidnapping her it wouldn't have happened as soon as it did. Then there's the stupid rain drops are falling on my head montage which I can't even stand hearing that song anymore at work because of these scenes.

Frankly it's not even Tobey's fault. From what I've heard Raimi originally wanted James Franco in the role of Peter Parker/Spider-Man which makes me think Raimi didn't want to do him as uber nerdly and it was the studio who insisted on having Tobey Maguire. I am one of those who prefer the ASM films. Not everything is done perfectly but at least Gwen Stacey doesn't hate Peter for an entire movie. Hopefully Marvel and Sony will do Spider-Man more justice though. I hope they don't try to be make Peter as much of a complete and utter nerd as Tobey Maguire's.

And no I don't owe respect to a guy if he admits to disliking essential things from the source material like Mechanical web shooters, Peter being able to talk to women, and Spider-Man insulting his foes. But whatever. I somewhat enjoy the first movie for Willem Dafoe, James Franco, and of course J. K Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson who has yet to be in a movie again. But I never cared for the rest of the casting. I didn't mind the casting of Alfred Molina but didn't care how they wrote Doc Ock. And I don't respect Raimi for writing one of the darkest Spider-Man stories (the symbiote saga)in such a silly and comedic way just because he hated it and didn't want to take it seriously.

Green Goblin is great!


If that didn't happen he never would've gone back to being Spidey. He may have acted like he was but without Doc Ock kidnapping her it wouldn't have happened as soon as it did.

Which is it? In one sentence you say he "never" would've become Spider-man again and in the next you say it just wouldn't have happened as quickly.

Your second point is correct. MJ being kidnapped spurred him to immediately do something that he was already trying accomplish - He was trying to become Spider-man again after being spurred to do so by Aunt May's speech. And his whole purpose for being there, in that establishment, talking to MJ was so he could convince her that he was wrong that they had a future together because he wanted to become Spider-man again and he didn't, at that time, believe that he could both be Spider-man and be in a relationship with her. So I don't understand what your point is.


Your second point is correct. MJ being kidnapped spurred him to immediately do something that he was already trying accomplish - He was trying to become Spider-man again after being spurred to do so by Aunt May's speech. And his whole purpose for being there, in that establishment, talking to MJ was so he could convince her that he was wrong that they had a future together because he wanted to become Spider-man again and he didn't, at that time, believe that he could both be Spider-man and be in a relationship with her. So I don't understand what your point is.

Mainly I would've wanted him to choose to be Spider-Man without MJ getting kidnapped. In the original comic he sees an old man that reminds him of Uncle Ben and remembers what happened and immediatly goes to the Bugle to get his costume back. Though unlike the movie in the comic he didn't lose his powers.

Green Goblin is great!


People outside of the Internet still regard this as one of the best comic book movies ever. For fanboys it is always the cool thing to bash what came before and act like the newest incarnation is the best.

This happened when TASM came out and now it's happening to TASM because of the MCU version. Many are now tearing down TDK trilogy and hailing Afleck as the definitive Batman! Which is just absurd. I suspect RDJ, Hugh Jackman and Chris Evans will all be hated on once their respective characters get rebooted.

Fact is, this movie is a classic and it will always stand the test of time.

A man walks into an Ackbar... Bartender says: It's a trap!


People outside of the Internet still regard this as one of the best comic book movies ever. For fanboys it is always the cool thing to bash what came before and act like the newest incarnation is the best.

This happened when TASM came out and now it's happening to TASM because of the MCU version. Many are now tearing down TDK trilogy and hailing Afleck as the definitive Batman! Which is just absurd. I suspect RDJ, Hugh Jackman and Chris Evans will all be hated on once their respective characters get rebooted.

Fact is, this movie is a classic and it will always stand the test of time.

it was TAS2 that everyone hated, most people consider the first amazing spiderman movie to be merely ok. the dark knight batman was considered horrible, most people enjoyed the movie for the joker which everyone is hating on jared leto's joker and already making assumptions that no one could ever beat Ledgers joker despite little footage. Affleck in my opinion is a much, much better batman than the dark knight batman. but I agree that this Spiderman is a classic. And I'm glad that my favorite spidey villain got the best movie. its too bad they ruined my second favorite spidey villain with venom in the third movie.

My eyes are watching you


Still the best comic book movie ever made!!!
