The Best Spidey

Almost on par with The Dark Knight, as far as I am concerned. 7.3 Is criminal. For reference Transformers is at 7.2.


TDK is not even a superhero movie at all

The stupid have one thing in common.They alter the facts to fit their views not the other way


Sorry. I think Andrew Garfield is closer to the character from the comics. If you disagree with me, watch this review of the very first Spider-Man comic Amazing Fantasy#15.

Green Goblin is great!


I agree. I just think this is the best spidey and comic book film ever made.



While I don't like Tobey Maguire outside of these films, as someone who has read the comics for over a decade, the first two Raimi films portray classic Peter Parker best. Andrew Garfield's spider-man movies felt rushed with virtually no character building around villains and even the Gwen/Peter relationship is a little rushed and contrived at times. TASM and its sequel heavily borrow from elements of the Ultimate universe without much payoff


I absolutely agree Garfield is the better Peter Parker/Spidey. But Spiderman 2 is still the best film Spidey has got.


I don't need to watch that review because I've read the comic, and I can tell you Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker is nothing like in that comic book. Tobey Maguire was perfect.


Absolutely correct. Tobey Maguire acts exactly like Peter Parker. Andrew Garfield feels like he wandered in from another franchise. He bears no resemblance whatsoever to Peter Parker from the comic books. Garfield's only advantage is his body type looks more like Spider-Man in the suit.

"Pretentious" is a three-syllable word for any thought too big for little minds.


Objectively, it is the best Spider-Man film like The Dark Knight is objectively the best Batman film. Both have a very high 94% on RT.


Let's agree to disagree.


The second-best superhero movie ever made, after Superman in 1978 (and to be honest, I re-watch this more).


Agree 100%. Superman 1978 was an epic...


This is leagues better than the Dark Knight, but then again I don't consider Nolan's Bat movies cinematic masterpieces either.

~ That's much too vulgar a display of power, Karras.


This is up there with The Dark Knight as the best superhero movies. It is ridiculously underrated by fanboys who were angry that there is a girl in it.

I have a hard time deciding which Superman was better- 1 or 2. I usually rank the original Superman as the better one, but... the second one is more similar to this movie. Has the better love story and the better climax.


This is up there with The Dark Knight as the best superhero movies. It is ridiculously underrated by fanboys who were angry that there is a girl in it.

I don't like this statement. My problem isn't that there's a girl in it (I've not seen anybody criticize the Raimi films for that). It's that MJ is portrayed as a portrayed as a rather mean person compared to the first. She's actually really nice to Peter in the first. Then does a 180 in this and treats Peter like crap. Then even after MJ tells him she's marrying someone instead of just trying to find some other girl to date he just obsesses about how much he wants to be with her.

Heck the only reason they end up together at the end is because she finds out he's Spider-Man (her seeming to find out at the end of the first one isn't even mentioned) and so Peter not coming to her play is forgiven. Of course there are other problems I have with the Raimi films that I've gone over on this board and others. But frankly I think Gwen and Peter's relationship in the ASM films is done way better cause unlike this movie Gwen doesn't act like she can't stand being around Peter or yell at him about how she doesn't want to be around him.
Green Goblin is great!


That was a simplification.

The plot thread that ties 1 and 2 together is the romance between Peter and MJ. Any time you include a romance as one of the central threads to the story, it drives comic fanboys crazy. They are like allergic to romance, IMO. That was my point.

Of course the romance between Peter and Gwen is easy. It is storyboarded that way for a reason. Everyone knows Gwen dies and their relationship is doomed. Therefore, by making it as wonderful a relationship as possible, you make her death more dramatic. If Gwen was a b*tch, or the audience didn't think she was right for Peter, then her death wouldn't have much impact. So, of course, Gwen was perfect in every way, the girl of Peter's dreams, and it was easy for them to be together. Hell, they even had to make up the whole Gwen's dad makes Peter promise to stay away to manufacture a roadblock. Otherwise, they would have had zero conflict to deal with.

Totally opposite approach with MJ. Everyone knows her and Peter are going to end up together. So, you essentially do the opposite. MJ is not perfect. She lacks self-esteem and self-confidence in the first movie, but she obviously cares a lot for Peter. It is obvious in every scene they are together. In the 2nd movie, she has already told Peter her feelings for him. He has told her they can't be together. Therefore, it is painful for her to be around him. Her frustration boils over when he can't even be a decent friend and can't tell her why not. It certainly suggests he just doesn't care about her. She gives him chance after chance, and he keeps screwing up.

Peter deserves everything he gets from MJ in 2. She doesn't realize she loves him after finding out he's Spiderman. Hell, she had made that perfectly clear since the end of the first movie. No. She just realizes now why HE refuses to be with her. She gets to the point of no return and says screw it. She demands they be together. He sees her sacrifice for him and gives in. Finally.

Hey, great fricking story.


Frankly to me that's not good romance though. Good romance to me is a guy and girl actually dating, getting to know each other, and then after a year or more of being together they get married. That's not how it's done in Raimi's film. So to me it's not good romance at all.

Green Goblin is great!


So you wanted a total cliche? Sorry. Spider-Man 2 is far more interesting.

And MJ isn't mean. Clearly you don't understand where she's coming from. Are you forgetting that Peter totally rejected her and has been, from her view, ignoring her completely? Remember she doesn't know he's Spider-Man!

A man walks into an Ackbar... Bartender says: It's a trap!


I agree with both you and shawneuser. Conflicts and character development were a lot better in Sam Raimi's Spider-man. In TASM, I find Gwen Stacy to be a completely dull character. She's completely flat, in every possible way. She's pretty, smart and popular. She's not afraid of anything and there's practically nothing she can't do. She basically has no flaws. Basically a Mary Sue.


Dear God in heaven, you are clueless. That sounds like the most boring romance imaginable. ALL THE CLASSIC ROMANCES ARE ABOUT FIGHTING AND CONFLICT! Just see Sam and Diane on Cheers. You cannot have a good romance unless the characters keep struggling and breaking up and getting back together and breaking up again. Spider-Man 2 had a fantastically perfect romantic plot with all the necessary and proper conflict to make it interesting.

"Pretentious" is a three-syllable word for any thought too big for little minds.


Its my second favorite Spider-man film after the original :) a solid 9.

"I am the one who knocks."
