MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man 2 (2004) Discussion > Anybody seen the extended edition? Too m...

Anybody seen the extended edition? Too much cheese!

I think there's definitely a thing such as too much cheese. I don't know if anyone has seen the extended 2.5 version, but the scenes added are just...strange. it's hard to explain, but every little scene they add is so jarring, and made me cringe. But I watch the original version, and I don't cringe once. All the supposed "cheese" actually made me laugh, and, in my opinion, was very well executed. The original stands the test of time as the fun equivalent to the grim Dark Knight. Both excellent films, but I was just wondering if anyone else agrees that the extended 2.5 edition of S2 just took it too far.

Anyone agree?

I don't give a sh!t about money.


I think a lot of them are jarring because we're used to the original movie and it's flow and all of a sudden it leaves the path and dives into the unknown..

Just watched the directors cut on the blu-ray set and the only new scene I didn't like was J.Jonah Jameson jumping around his office in the spider-man suit...

Thanks to Batmeh v Supermeh Yawn of Justice, the "S" now stands for Sidekick


I disagree, I think the extended cut adds a lot more to the film. It shows how MJ still has feelings for Peter, even when she's with John. Also the extended birthday scene with Peter listening to Harry rant about how he wants revenge on Spider-Man adds more depth than the theatrical cut. I always loved the theatrical cut, but the extended version is the definitive version imo.
