The hospital scene!

That scene when the doctors attempt to cut off Doc Ock's new limbs is amazing. I remember it being shocking when I saw this movie in the theater when I was 13, but damn. I just saw it again and it is so perfect. Raimi clearly took the opportunity to display his style from making the Evil Dead films here.

I can't believe this scene isn't talked about more. It's one of the scariest scenes in any superhero movie I can remember.


Meh, zoom in, zoom out, scratch the floor, I get the point. Arms are the villains...


It's one of the scariest scenes in any superhero movie I can remember.

It's a scary scene period. One of the things that makes it so effective is the lack of music.


I remember seeing this with my then-wife in a FULL theater...when that scene was full blaze I heard a small child CRYING in terror. Me, already a HUGE Raimi fan, was like "HE77 YEEEEEAH!" haha

There's no music in the scene...just PURE mayhem. Its a powerful scene and quite intense!

If you own the DVD listen to the Raimi and Maguire commentary...they talk about how "Evil Dead" the scene truly is!

Im gonna punch you in the cooter, I swear to God!


Agreed, it's AWESOME. It is so great to see the tone shift to dark horror when establishing the villain. Marvel Studios fails to do this kind of important establishment with most of their villains.

"Pretentious" is a three-syllable word for any thought too big for little minds.


You're right, Sam Raimi's talent in directing horror films really shined through during that scene.



I used to scratch my head when a guy(somebody who's opinion I actually respect) wrote that The Dark Knight broke new grounds because it has horror elements. I wish I replied "Did you ever see Spiderman 2?"

"But they knew they f**ed up." James Rolfe as AVGN


I mean if that scene isn't scary, it's crazy.

"But they knew they f**ed up." James Rolfe as AVGN

