Any Good?

I've read I can only get this film by the internet (thanks jan_gee) and I was wondering if the film was any good because I don't want to spend a lot of money for a film I hate. Please tell me your honest opinion. Thanks


It rather depends on what you're looking for. The original music score, acting, camera-work, etc., were well-received and got many nominations, some of which were converted into Awards (check the list over further). A couple of the posters on this board have criticised the authenticity of the dance-party scenes although, being well beyond the rave age, I can't express a personal opinion there, but there's certainly plenty of music from well-known artists. In fact music is this film's strongest point, there's rarely a moment without music of some kind, be it dance music or the beautiful orchestral score.

I came away from the film with the feeling it hadn't quite hit the mark, and finally decided that perhaps it would've made a better telemovie or miniseries. But, in retrospect, although the script may have been the weak link in the production, I don't think cutting the running time from something near 2½ hours (which isn't overlong) down to 106 minutes was the solution, it left too many questions unanswered, and loose ends dangling.

Although the Official website is unavailable at present, it can be accessed via the production company's which will give more - albeit slightly out of date - information. A Google Search will also produce some expert opinions, with details of the extras included on the DVD.


Thank u for ur opinion. I saw that the cure's music was goin b in this movie so that's cool cuz i love that band. So do u think I should buy it?


What are these loose ends you speak of? I thought everything was tied up quite well.


I don't know about you but I love it


I thought it was preachy, un-realistic crap.
Jan Gee is right, a TV mini series would have been better.
