Not what i expected.

When i got this movie i was expecting something really good. A film about the rave scene in Melbourne or rave scenes in general. But that is not what i got.

According to this movie, every week there is a death by drugs in a rave. That is completely false. People dont die all the time at rave's, it is a rare occurance and usually happens at massive rave's held every once in a while and even in the massive rave's it is a rare occurance.

The soundtrack in my opinion could have been alot better. I am a trance fan and listen to it all of the time. Most tracks chosen were not that good. Scene's could have improved alot if the right track was chosen. More uplifting and euphoric tracks could have been used to help certain moments in the film.

Tommy's main track that brought attention at the bush rave was totally not believable and unrealistic. A track like that will not send the crowd in total euphoria whether he plays a live violin or not.

The image the movie portrayed about the melbourne rave scene was totally off. It portrayed every one there as a candy raver. The majority of ravers are not candy ravers, candy ravers are indeed a minority. Not everyone goes around colouring there hair yellow, half there face pierced and wearing devil costumes. Candy ravers attend but are in no way the majority as the film portrayed. People attend wearing normal going out clothes or wearing phat pants. Also the style of music played in the movie is not the style played in melbourne. Although it is still trance, it is harder in melbourne and is heavily hardstyle influenced.

I think this movie relied too heavily on stereotypes about the rave scene. Rather than promote it, it has hampered it.
