MovieChat Forums > House of Sand and Fog (2004) Discussion > after the movie you feel heaviness in th...

after the movie you feel heaviness in the soul

Very serious film. It mixed a lot of human problems and needs. On the one hand everything is simple, if you look at it "simple". On the other hand the film is so full of emotions and feelings that, after the movie you feel heaviness in the soul. But in any case, it is a good and necessary film. its about people.

ah, I cant stand when Jennifer was crying. Its makes me sad. She is was so natural.

Bought full DVD. this movie goes to favorites.


Ahhh I completely agree with EVERYTHING you said!!!

Jennifer Conelly's acting is just so natural in EVERY movie she makes, I'm amazed by her performance in everything I have seen her in so far!

I also think the simple yet complex nature of the plot works really well; the movie really does expose some prejudices and assumptions within ourselves and society too throughout the character developments and changes.

what a powerful movie!


I completely agree with everything you said.
I *love* a film about people, a film full of emotion, the kind of film that others often find depressing.
I agree the film does leave the viewer with a heaviness in the soul. But it's not a bad thing. It's an *important* thing.
This film is among my top 20 favourite films.


yea it was a pretty heavy movie.the final 20 minutes were super sad

laughs are cheap, I'm going for gasps


Agreed. This is one of the few films which left me depressed after viewing. I've been meaning to give it a re-watch but can't bring myself to go through it again.
Fantastic film and well acted.

"He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy!"



I have to be in a very mellow mood when I watch this film. If I'm too attached to any one emotion I know that by the end credits, I'll be a nervous wreck. I agree with all the Jennifer Connelly praise. She is fantastic, such a powerful and realistic actress. And Ben Kingsley brought a tremendous amount of dimensionality to his role, proving why he's so revered. I love this movie, but I admit that it leaves me feeling overwrought.

Decorate yourself from the inside out. -Andrei Turnhollow


After the movie, I felt a desire to have seen a different movie. I don't get the point of voluntarily wallowing in unforgiving despair. What is a person supposed to take from this, beyond "life sucks so hard you might as well just give up and die?" Thanks-that's two hours I could have spent enjoying my life instead.

-There is no such word as "alot."


On the whole I agree, however I did feel compassion and empathy for the Behrani's anguish and despair and I felt sympathy for their weakness, people commit suicide because they are inherently weak and feel they have lost a reason for living and simply can't go on, human frailty is the real tragedy here.


the first time i watched it I wept...

four years later, after watching it for the 2nd time... I wept, then had a panick attack.

It's GOOD cinema if it can do THAT to someone.

And my god, the scene in the hospital... I lost a long-term boyfriend I'd been living with for a year and a half, and it reminds me of when I was at his wake, and I climbed halfway in my love's coffin and kissed him and held him and begged him to wake up, this film.......... is so acutely realistic.

too realistic....


1st time watching this movie....30 min ago. still feel a sort of heaviness. i try to avoid these types of movies. depressingly realistic. u cant really hate or dislike any character, theyre all sympathetic. even the cop. i wouldnt watch again- i thought this was just a thriller. instead i sort of felt like i was evesdropping, watching a hidden camera on these peoples lives. i'm way too shallow for a movie like this. serious. wow. i would recommend, but couldnt/wouldnt put myzelf through this again. i hate emotional stuff + i guess tbis movie actually forced me to FEEL.


I saw this film and Mystic River one week apart. If i saw them both on the same weekend i'd have been tempted to eat a gun.


It is a really depressing film indeed... but is a hell of a good film, makes you feel the sadness and heaviness of all the main characters. When a film reaches your heart, is a sign that it fulfilled the purpose!


You know it's funny you mentioned Mystic River. I saw them both. At the end of Mystic River I remember vividly thinking to myself (wishing perhaps?) that I had not seen the movie. It was as though I had incurred an injury to my soul, and one that I could have done without. House of Sand and Fog (HoSaF) struck me with equal power -- or close enough -- and yet I gladly shoulder the horrific pain of it all. I don't have a compelling explanation for my 2 very differing responses. I should hasten to add that I have watched HoFaS perhaps as many as 10 to 15 times BION. There is a, dare I say, beauty to it that I found missing in Mystic River.

Of this much I am sure: Great art simply MUST move us, otherwise it just isn't great art. HoSaF touched me to the core.

An interesting, and somewhat offensive aside, I understand from the Writer's commentary, that the initial title for the movie was something like The Eviction of The Whore. Huh?!?!? I didn't realize that I was supposed to hold the poor Jennifer Connelly character in contempt!!! My felt soooo bad for her that contempt was the furthest thing from my heart. I guess I didn't get the memo (half-hearted attempt at humor). As great as movies get in my book. Bravo.


four years later, after watching it for the 2nd time... I wept, then had a panick attack. It's GOOD cinema if it can do THAT to someone.

No, it's EFFECTIVE if it can do that. There's nothing good about a panic attack. I don't watch films so I can feel awful. Life can do that quite well on its own wihout me seeking out more misery.

-There is no such word as "alot."



After the movie, I felt heavy too.

I ate too much nachos and the concession put too much butter on my popcorn.

Do not let your cat eat dry food! Go to Dr. Pierson's CATINFO.ORG to know why.
