Jumped the Shark

When Sean Penn lights up a cigarette in the doctor's office as he is being told that his transplanted heart is failing and that he needs a new heart. The doc doesn't bat an eyelid at the friggin' tobacco!

Who can get away with smoking in a doctor's office? Or most indoor places nowadays? And in front of your doctor? Reality is that any smoker told that they need a transplant will be told to stop smoking immediately. Would any surgical team operate on a transplant patient still smoking. I serious doubt it.

I stopped watching this movie when I saw this scene. Too unbelievable for me.


Yes it sounds weird, although I didnt notice it happening. It might be that the doctor has also given up hope, so thought of giving him an opportunity to live the rest of his little life left the way he wanted to (although that seldom happens in real life)..

But it's a movie and you just cant expect everything to be picture perfect and real....

but i must suggest u to finish the movie ( We need to overlook a few things to enjoy what could otherwise be an excellent movie).... I loved 21 grams.... Yes a few questions of mine are still unanswered but I am ready to pay again to watch this one....


A doctor is supposed to tell a dying man he can't smoke?

Now we can handle this like gentleman or we can get into some old gangster sh*t


So, you think some guy, because he's dying would be rude enough to just light up in a doctor's office? Do doctors just put up with rude behavior because someone is dying? So, this guy could spit in his face, crap on his floor, vandalize the office, and hey, he's dying, so it's all good.


I wasn't aware that smoking is considered "rude behavior". Also,

So, this guy could spit in his face, crap on his floor, vandalize the office..
That kind of behavior is no where near lighting up a ciggie.

Now we can handle this like gentleman or we can get into some old gangster sh*t


Smoking is the equivalent of walking up to someone and farting next to them like it's no big deal, except smoking is worse since it can cause cancer from the second hand smoke.


I gave up smoking cause I got sick of it, and the money lost on it. But, there is a time and a place to light up if one wants to, I didn't like to smoke in front of people who didn't, but I am sure to have been in the minority for that. Your comment was pretty harsh; were you referring to someone lighting up outside in the open or in a closed elevator environment. Personally I think someone starting a car next you creates a more direct threat of cancer, or even death. Try starting a car in a closed garage vs. having someone light a cigarette in one and see which one kills first. But I suppose some people are more delicate than others.

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I'm saying lighting up in a small room with someone who might not smoke.


You're wasting your time applying analogies, logic or reason as none of these have any effect upon the whipped up frenzy of an anti-smoking nazi. If given their druthers, they'd make smoking illegal in a car passing through Burbank, California with its windows rolled up tight. Oh wait! The nazis have already done that. And I no longer smoke after having quit over forty years ago, but considering the dither it throws some people into, I'm thinking of taking it up again, if but for the over-the-top histrionics and hysteria it induces among those asthmatically challenged.


Smoking is the same as crapping in his mouth and wiping your ass on his nose, I tell you.


Do you even know what jump the shark means? Dont use terms when you dont know the meaning of them.

You're an idiot. Play a record.


Ye I do. I know the mean.I watched this movie until I could no longer go on. I can't watch it again. You =


Maybe the doctor already figured it was over for Sean Penn so he decided to let it pass?
I mean it's not like he's going to tell a dying man to stop doing something that's dangerous and deadly?


Hospitals are smoke free zones as well as doctor's offices. A person in need of a transplant would not even be considered as a potential recipient unless he/she was completely smoke free. You can't cheat either. They check with urinalysis.


You just wanted to be able to use that phrase "jump the shark", didn't you.
Well, you are wrong, you used it incorrectly. Jumping the shark means there is nothing more the characters can do that is new or original.
What you meant to say is that your suspension of disbelief was broken. "Suspension of disbelief" means that you will suspend your disbelief as long as there is some element of reality to it, hence, you will suspend disbelieving it as long as there is some part you can relate to, but when you can no longer relate to it, hence, "I don't believe it" or, more specifically, "No way he could light up a cigarette in a doctor's office" means your suspension of disbelief was broken by the one scene.
Anyway, why would you stop watching a movie because of something like that? It marks you as an immature viewer with very limited thinking.
No offense, sir. Just broaden your mind a bit and let the movie play out, as you might actually see something you did not see before.

"A fool shows his anger at once, while a wise man learns from others."

I really don't like talking about my flair.


bookworm, I'm sure that's what you meant, but a movie's reaching a point at which you no longer want to watch it has nothing to do with "jumping the shark," a term applicable to series television with an origin the first airing of which I remember cringingly yet Fon-dly! ; )


If you apply that level of scrutiny to every movie you watch, I can't imagine you've ever made it all the way through one.


Let's assume you enjoy chewing gum. Would you walk up to a stranger who's chewing some - just assume it's "your" flavor - and expect to be gladly given a stick if you asked, and would you feel comfortable asking? And would you happily give a stick to a stranger who asked for one, and not consider it a rude request? I'm just curious.


Smoking? He might as well have took a *beep* on the floor, smeared it on the walls, threw it at the doctor and pissed on the desk!!


And that's the double truth, RUTH!


"Jumping the shark" is something meant to keep the viewers interest in a show that is failing (Usually a long running tv show that doesn't have any new material). They are desperate to keep viewers. There is no way it can be intelligently used in this situation, a situation that obviously has the opposite effect on some viewers, like you. Learn to use the language correctly, or don't use it. It will help with your credibility.

OH. And my gosh, some posters need to be presented with a hand of poop in their face and a guy holding a cigarette. Quickly deciding which is worse, or if they are equal, and you are forced to choose one....take the mouthful of excrement. Please don't overdramatize, it also loses credibility. Stating the obvious problems with second hand smoke is so much better than making a ridiculous analogy.
