the DVD

I read in the Swedish paper Aftonbladet that it should be released a
DVD with all the stuff that was cut away. Like when they spread out
that Lasse Berghagen was dead and so on.

Where did that go? I'm still waiting!


I don't know anything about that, though I wonder if anyone has more than the four first episodes of it?
That Lasse Berghagen-rumor-thing, for example, is not in any of these, and there is also lots of clips from the intro that aren't in these episodes, though I don't know where to look for additional episodes...someone?


According to wikipedia ( ) six episodes were made, but only 4 was shown on TV. There was quite a lot of controverse around the program when it aired so I guess TV4 pulled the plug on it.


I have heard a rumor that they are gonna show the Lasse Berghagen thing at a upcoming episode of 100 Höjdare. I really hope they do.

And why am I writing this i english? No one outside Sweden knows what the *beep* we´r talking about anyway.


det gjordes bara 6 avsnitt enligt Filip och fredrik men de började också spela in ett avsnitt 5. Kontraktet som filip och fredrik hade var på 6 avsnitt, men pga. alla arga brev till tv4 och de olika stämningarna mot Filip och 'fredrik så fick TV4 lägga ner serien efter bara fyra avsnitt.


Så dom gjorde 6st men dom höll på med ett 5e ^^
