lol arthouse

Ok so I'm just having my TV tuned to a sort of art channel running in the background muted while I'm surfing the web. I actually like this channel, no offense meant in that respect (it's called "arte").

Then an explicit sex scene caught my eye. I mean I could see his cock and the actors were genuinly having sex.

Now this really manifests why a lot of people dislike arthouse. Not that I don't like sex, I mean I watch porn and all. But this just shows the unoriginality of most arthouse. Basically any bad arthouse film can be boiled down to people SCREAMING, Silence and fierce sex. And yes, I checked for the first two by turning on the sound.

To further contrast this I saw a beautiful documentary on that same channel just before this movie, about a guy in Sousse, Tunesia, who made no-budget crappy hollywood-inspired mafia movies on VHS, but he had passion for it and made his films against all odds. It was thrilling hearing him talk about how Clint Eastwood could take out a number of guys in his westerns and being cool while doing it. I rather would have seen his movie...

It just shows that a movie like Twentynine Palms could only be done by spoiled people who came up in a more than safe environment. I like arthouse when it's good, but this is just trying too hard, making no worthy point and conforming to all the arthouse cliches.



"First off, you're a self-admitted porn aficionado." Ok, so going from this qoute I guess you are female. Let me be clear: I am not an aficionado. I'm just a regular guy and I am honest. Studies prove that all men with access to it watch porn. And how would that effect my intelligence??? Only if I were masterbating 24/7 would that be an issue.

"your assumption that TWENTYNINE PALMS 'could only be done by spoiled people who came up in a more than safe environment' has no justification and is a generalization that could only have made by a genuine dolt." Once again perfect argumentative structure.
I suggested that because of the example of the Tunesian director, a man living in a truly harsh world, who could never indulge himself in such a pseudo-deep pile of schmidt like this movie, you could think that upbringing and your surroundings do have an considerable impact on theway you create art. I may have generalized to make it sound more bitter but with the aforementioned you can't say it has no justification.

On the other end, the justification for your statement was that I was a dolt.

You continue: "This movie made plenty of 'worthy point(s)'" - where? what are they? I mean it; tell me, enlighten me. "and conformed to no 'arthouse cliches'". Oh, it so does. I stated which cliches I meant and there are plenty examples of those in the movie. I'll mention some, just off the top of my head.
Screaming: When they rolled over that dog or when they had arguments.
Silence: A lot especialy when they were driving.
Fierce Sex: Outside on the rocks, in some hotel or motel.

The "intent of the film" as most garbage arthouse (notice I'm saying garbage arthouse, I know there to be good arthouse as well) is to push boundaries/be edgy by showing explicit sex, trying to get the audience to go through all kinds of emotions with the most contrived scenarios (they even used animals for that! wow) and have a "shocking" ending, that no one sees coming. I mean sure I didn't see it coming so he succeeded in that respect, but did it make sense? only if you overanalyze it.

Now tell me I'm wrong, and this time make points that are connected to the subject matter, not with what you think is my personality.








come on, give us your interpretation of this deeply complex film which strays from the hollywood norm by including sex and violence

What is the big baffling truth that lies beneath the surface of this masterpiece? Up until now all you said is that it departs from the normal narrative structure, which is something pulp fiction did 14 years ago, and which isn't regarded as high-art.

Your reinterpretation of the ending is higly doubtful, the scenes you point out do not indicate this... This interpretation is made out of thin air (and some bad directing) and such vague interpretations could be made about every movie, even transformers.

So what did the director want to tell us, the audience? That he can make a different narrative structure? Why did he kill her in the end? Is there a sense to all this mess? What did he want to tell us with the scene where the dogs were running next to the car, then they got under the wheels but then it was OK again? What did the sex scenes mean? Or when she blew him? Surely those scenes weren't just filmed to create some shock and repulsion?


So what did the director want to tell us, the audience? That he can make a different narrative structure? Why did he kill her in the end? Is there a sense to all this mess? What did he want to tell us with the scene where the dogs were running next to the car, then they got under the wheels but then it was OK again? What did the sex scenes mean? Or when she blew him? Surely those scenes weren't just filmed to create some shock and repulsion?
Well, my twopenceworth ... The film is set in nature and some of the scenery is fantastic. Early on Katia and David get out of their vehicle to admire some hills only for the view to be interrupted by a freight train and the skyline dotted with wind turbines (which looked quite pretty, but of course aren't 'natural'). Humans seek to impose themselves on the natural world whilst wanting some sense of themselves as part of nature. Katia and David seem to live this contradictory response as they travel around Twnetynine Palms. They have a fractured relationship. He alludes to her being unwell and she is annoyed at his remoteness. Their sex is violent and their orgasms more like paroxysms of pain. Amidst all this there are moments of tenderness that feel genuine. This is the context to a moment of trauma that ends tragically for both. David's behaviour, affected by his rape and head trauma, leads him to shave his head like the marines they discuss earlier in the film. At that time Katia told him that if he ever did shave his head then she would leave him so he stabs her repeatedly to prevent her leaving him and his frenzied stabbing recalls the violence of their sex and his rape.

The scenes of sex, violence, rape and their relationship are purposeful. If they shock and repulse it is because at some deeper level, I think, Dumont is communicating the cruelty and primitivism of humans that contrasts with the world of nature we 'rape' whilst yearning for simultaneously.
Keep silent unless what you are going to say is more important than silence.


This has to be one of the dumbest threads on imdb. Nearly ever reply is as ridiculous as the original message.

Watch movies because they entertain you, they stick with you afterwards, they have some kind of resonance in your life in any way, never pay attention to what others thinks.

Also, can we get the word PRETENTIOUS banned from imdb?...



Roegcamel your ugly mother had sex with a horse



uM i dont gaedit u u r so amsrt

All I'm saying is... Anyone SERIOUSLY responding to a thread called "lol arthouse" is imdb-funny. Which is funnier than actual-funny.



Ah, irony -- beautiful!

pre·ten·tious: characterized by assumption of dignity or importance.



Suggesting that words should be banned is pretentiuos, however this being IMDB i wouldnt be surprised. after all they went as far as banning names to stop people from discussing topics they dont like.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
