what is this?

Saw it listed on Amazon, but they didnt give any kind of description. What is this show about? Or what kind opf plots does it have?
Seems likeit would be a comedy.
Animated or live?
Worth $11 on Amazon? For season one?


i just saw it on tv and had to rush to imdb to register my disgust
this show is so unfunny
the only reason to watch it is for the cgi babes


Shut up you moron. This show is unique and hilarious.


no, you shut up moron, this show's dumb.


its the type of show that would take shimmyshimmycocopuffass coming here to register to voice his disgust a compliment


The show has more low points than high points, but the dialog can be snappy. What can you say, there's something for everybody out there.



Agreed, it's kind of a guilty pleasure because the main draw is the fanservice. But the characters grow on you, and there are a few great lines.


Tripping the Rift Does to Futurama what Family Guy did for to The Simpsons
