Six's Tattoo

Does anybody know what the tattoo is on Six's left breast?


I read somewhere a while back that the tattoo is the Mandarin Chinese symbol(s) for '6'.


Well, all Chinese symbols are the same whether Cantonese or Mandarin or whatever the hell, but it's traditional writing which is why it looks so cool and complex. I could never read it because it was always covered by a dress strap or soap suds, ect. so thanks for clearing that up.


well, in Power to the Peephole you get several less obscured views, here's a streaming screen cap:

(8:08 into the episode)

It's upside down as the shot is from her perspective looking down.

Seems like it's pretty close to the chinese character for 'six' posted below...


Ignorant much Itdontmata?


It actually seems to be a odd configuration of the English word Bitch, hence the giant "B" next to her bra strap. I haven't found any sources from the creators verifying my opinion; however, as a student of Asian Art I know that the letter "B" is not a Chinese character. :)


some student. One would assume a "student" would recognize a multiradical kanji.

It is "six" as used in legal documents. It is not the letter "b", nor a configuration of "bitch".

A blown up version of "six"


For the record, I never said that it wasn't “six”. I said that was my theory and the letter "B" is not a Chinese character, as you have so nicely pointed out for me. The letter "B" isn't even present in your image. The link that you posted has a symbol on the left that looks like a "P" with two bumps. Now before you furiously type a response let me explain, in case you can't tell the difference. A "B" doesn't have a tail that extends like that image, so unless you can find a "B" in Chinese characters I maintain my STUDENT status (which by the way, means someone who is learning not someone who knows all)!


My buddy insists her tattoo says 'BiG' since her boobies are so... big.


I thought it said BJ as in ... you know...


Actually,that example(which doesn't quite match anyway) is not a chinese character, it's japanese.


Since a lot of Japanese characters share from Chinese... it can be both.

The character IS "six"

-as evidence third from the bottom

Compare with
which is an upside-down picture.


I had forgotten about this series until tripping onto it to find a short film on Netflix (filling out the online time left). I always thought it was a barcode, or some other ID, because she was a droid.


The character IS "six"

-as evidence third from the bottom

Compare with
which is an upside-down picture.


I notice in Season 2 episode 1 and 3 Six's tattoo changed to a different symbol. Any idea what the new symbol means? Or is it just another dialect for "six".


I heard it's just the Chinese symbol for #6.


You guys REALLY haven't figured this out yet?

It's the letter B, and an anchor.

(One more chance for you to figure out why this is correct.)

If you combine them, you get the "word" "Banchor". Pig Latin for this "word" is "Anchor Bay", which is ... the distribution company!
