MovieChat Forums > She Spies (2002) Discussion > They really screwed up.

They really screwed up.

My God. I mean, what happened?

I was only a casual viewer, but I liked the antics of Jack and the girls. I loved how they frequently broke kayfabe -- and the forth wall -- to reference the fact that yes, this was a cheesy show, and yes, they were gonna have fun with it. She Spies didn't try to have you at the edge of your seat, though it did try to make you roll off it with laughter.

She Spies reminded me of Hercules, and Farscape, and other shows that have been canceled. It was good natured, and fun to watch. Now it's just... wow. This bland little drama, with no sense of humor or direction.

Honestly, I'd rather they had just let it die. At least then the show would have a little dignity. Jack may have been "annoying" sometimes... but this, this second season, is total garbage. Just another grim little crime show to join the legion of others. It's CSI: She Spies, and I absoloutely hate it.



I agree, Jack was cute and funny. Now it seems like they've tried to replace funny with sex and an attemp at drama. I'm not buying it.


It was Premeditated Murder by Bucket!



I like how they did it.

Two seasons of the same show that are very different. One provides what the other doesn't. Put them together and you have a very entertaining experience.


The TV industry has concocted shows like She Spies for years, the list is rather long, don't you think? I personally can take it or leave it, when nothing else interesting is on She Spies can be be rather entertaining. I get up for work around 1 AM; when She Spies comes on at 1 AM, there is truly nothing else worth watching!!! I do hope that we haven't seen the last of Kristen Miller....DD is absolutely GORGEOUS, She alone is worth tuning in. I was impressed with her enough to search the web about her, very little can be found, hopefully MGM will wake up and further her career in another way!!!


Yeah Jack was cool, the show was funny then, and the three girls are really hot especially D.D.

But when they bought in that serious guy and the computer nerd I lost intrest it just wasn't really entertaining anymore.


I love D.D. too! She was my favorite on the show and I hope she gets another gig cause she is really good! I wish everyone the best on that show, they all had great chemistry and were funny, even through the second season and unfunny Mr. Cross.


If and when the first season comes out on dvd I will be the first in line. It was one of the absolutly funniest shows on tv. I stayed up late one night with my mom and we watched the episode where DD gets kidnapped and the both of us literally laughed till we cried it was sooo funny. Then one day I flip the channel and I'm like, who's this guy with the stick up his butt? where's Jack??? where's the crazy pause and explain/reflect interludes?? Where's the girls putting on false mustaches and hocking lugeys??? It was an awesome show and somebody ruined it. I read an article somewhere i forget where- they said the show was too over the top to a point of stupidity and it needed to be given a more serious and realistic edge. congradulations jackasses, you ruined the show! Where's She Spies now? what did your 'edge' do for it?? it made it just like another bad version of VIP or Charleys Angels. run-of-the-mill junk. Well at least once its on dvd(please 'o please) I'll be able to enjoy season one for years to come. You can keep the rest of that junk.

when you try to please everybody you end up pleasing nobody. You ruin it for the current fans, and the nay-sayers weren't gonna watch it anywayz no matter what you did to it. I call it Jet Grind Radio Complex.

(Jet Set Radio Future was a dumbed down Jet Grind Radio that alienated the fanbase to please the groaners and complainers that were never really interested in the game in the first place causing the game to fail at both ends. Now they'll probably never make another one.)


Couldn't agree more... They've been sending this show this entire summer on Swedish channel 5 and I've really enjoyed it. Until today. Todays episode was the first of season two, and I missed the first five minutes. It was like "what the...?" They've totally ruined a good show. Can somebody tell me what kind of a lame excuse they gave to replace Jack? In the "she spies"-world I mean. In the last episode of season one Jack was supposed to date DD. Since i missed the first minutes all i saw was the boring guy taking his place.


Cross told the women that Jack got promoted to his "dream assignment" and was in Rome. Also at the end when Cassie is complaining about Cross, Bruce Boxleitner said he was going to shut she-spies down and a good friend of Jack's wanted to take the program over.

I disagree with everyone. When I first started watching the show, it was with Cross and Duncan but I thought Cross was SOOOOO sexy! Then I saw an old rerun with Jack and I was like, "What the...?" It's supposed to be cheesy regardless. I don't think Cross and Duncan make it try to be dramatic. They just have a different tone. And near the end, the Cross-Cassie match-up was getting interesting.


I loved the chemistry between Natasha Henstridge and the Cross guy.

I like Jack but I also thought Cross was a nice eddition to the cast as well. I liked both seasons.
