MovieChat Forums > Populärmusik från Vittula (2004) Discussion > There's two Matti (age 40) in the cast?

There's two Matti (age 40) in the cast?

Lasse Beischer .... Matti (age 40)
Martti Suosalo .... Matti (age 40)

Can someone explain why this person who only is in 5 minutes of the film requires two actors??


stunt-double? Haha. I have no idea... I didn´t even notice...


Its because Martti Suosalo was going to play Niila age 40 in an early version of the movie,but after they changed it, no one has edited it here on imdb


Bought this DVD 2 days ago and saw it then.
I think another (Beischer) is acting as older Matti and another (Suosalo) is doing Narrating that's Matti speaking.
Can't check this as my DVD is not at home at the moment.


Isn't it the author (Mikael Niemi) the narrator? Sounds like him anyway.


Oh yes it's Niemi.


It's the author Mikael Niemi who's the narrator in the version released in Sweden, and in the Finnish version it's Peter Franzén who's the narrator

"You're out of order! The whole trial is out of order! They're out of order!"
"Forget about it"
