wasn't that a bad movie

Anyone out there, that actually liked this so called action / adventure flick?


Well, according to some of the comments and votes, it would seem that some people thought that this was fantastic! Incredible!

But take a look at the votes breakdown - it's painfully obvious that todays youth seems to be completely stupified! (I guess I'm officially "old" at the age of 26) You can't really blame them, though - with a whole generation used to nothing but remakes in music, movies, and TV these days (oh, and techno, hip hop, boy groups, and baggy pants), what the hell do you expect??? Or maybe they just believe everything they hear ("movie event of the year", etc.). Anyhow, it's a sick, sad world. I wish someone would indeed invent a time machine. I'd be the first in line...

For what it's worth, I gave it a 1. See my contribution in the user comments ("Silent Jay76") for my take on the acting, realism, etc.


I watched this movie in German TV, really liked it. Don´t really know why, maybe because it´s a inventive story. I didn´t read the book, but another one by Andreas Eschbach, "One Billion Dollar", which I hope to be moviefied in my lifetime, that one could become hell of a movie. Unfortunately it seems to not have been released in english, but imagine what you could do with one billion dollar in CASH, the only condition being to give back humanity its lost future ... it´s quite a stern story, but one scene could become a movie classic ...

Lawyer: Well, you inherited quite a fortune.
Hero (poor italian pizza delivery man): Cool, how much is it?
Lawyer: Something around 1 million dollars.
Hero: *gasp* Wow!
Lawyer:In fact, it´s a little bit more, around 30 million dollars.
Hero: You´re kidding, this can´t be true.
Lawyer: Honestly, you´re right. 100 million dollars would be more correct.
Hero: Weeeeeee!
Lawyer: But that sum isn´t quite correct, either. In fact, the correct sum would be ONE BILLION DOLLAR.
Hero (nearly fainting) *beep* GAWD!!!
Lawyer: We decided to take this step-by-step approach as one of our customers died from a heart attack after receiving a much lesser amount of cash.


I netflixed it and honestly, wasn't too disappointed. It's about as good as The Librarian and its sequel (a US TV Movie with Noah Wyle from E.R.) - I didn't have high expectations for either of them. The acting wasn't horrible (better than soap operas at least!) either.

I don't watch many foreign films (I'm American), aside from those that are done in English because I don't like dubs or captions but I've obviously been missing all the good ones because this is the best foreign language I've seen (that wasn't Chinese, Japanese or Korean, at least).

It's just one of those movies you watch for the hell of it, for some quick entertainment... aside from the fact it's 3 hours 15 minutes! I nearly choked on my popcorn when I saw that! Ah well, I watched it in two days instead.

Along the lines of other "religious mysteries", this was better than Revelations, The Da Vinci Code, and the 2nd Librarian movie. The first Librarian movie was the best, I think.

Then again, Noah Wyle is a likable lead.

"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"


i just see it.

i have read eschbachs novel and did not really like it. i always skipped lots of pages and did not even finish it completely - its just boring. i liked eschbachs short novel "exponentialdrift" that he published "in realtime" in pieces in the faz (german daily newspaper), and i liked it, because it was clever and fast plottet. but "das jesus video" is 650 boring pages.

the movie itself could not be worse. one clichee after the other, nearly all original names changed. its completely silly that steffen does develop the idea of time travel at first sight of the camera manual. the book even needs an additional character (a sci-fi writer) to develop this idea.

it could not be any worse than this movie actually is.

(steffen just gets hunted by ryan and his gang after escaping from his hotel room, which does not happen that way in the book either, but anyway ...)

oh, and the music and the music fx are exceptionally bad.

its just sad.

Eating rocks may lead to crumbling teeth.


This movie could be more interesting and certainly with more highlight spots, if was a Hollywood production. But i like it, there´s action and mistery. The argument is cool. I think someday will see a hollywood remake.


ron howard ...


This is a long movie, I was enjoying it so much, for the first time I was actually glad it kept going.

The dubbing creates a slightly cartoon effect but there is a rigor to the scripting you hardly find in American movies and besides the action is fresh.

Big thumbs up for this one, much better than the rating would have you believe.
