Heading to the Top250

If the votings continue to appear, in a short while this movie will be part of the most beautiful 250 movies of all time. And this could be a revolution in the Romanian cinematography and a climax in the career of Nae Caranfil.

Until then, check this site and you'll find it on a respectable rank :


Yey, let's get some beer and get all wasted!


Enjoy the beer.


now it's 16 on the "after 2000" movies top


Yes. I'm pretty sure we'll have the first romanian title in imdb's top250 because the votes counter increases rapidly. It will need somewhere between 2000-3000 votes with the actual rate (8.7) to have a chance there. Keep voting people. This flick definitely deserves it.


hei dude, stop smoking that sh#t.
do you really think you'll make this movie better by pushing it in top 250?


You’re that kind of person who gives low rates for Romanian movies just because they are made in Romania. But I could be wrong.


eu observ ca desi se aduna voturi numarul lor e blocat la 1284.
De ce ???????????


Daca ai votat azi iar numarul a ramas la fel este fiindca updatarea se face dupa una-doua zile parca.

Se apropie...


Yeah, this lovie has to be in the Top 10


I'm sure it doesn't deserve a Top 200. But for a 248-249th place for a few days the top has wide open hands.

IMDb changed the rules. "m = minimum votes required to be listed in the Top 50 (currently 5000)" from the old 150. So Filantropica doesn't fit anymore. But there's room in the heroic Top250 All Time where "m = minimum votes required to be listed in the Top 250 (currently 1300)".


With another 15,000+ votes.
