G.I. Janes in 1944?

I think even at a casual glace, a soldier in those trenches could tell there were ladies in those uniforms. And boy would that cause unwanted attention. The blond switching into civilian grab made more sense. I know they wanted women on the team but most past eras would be quite taken aback to see women in authority positions.

The show had potential, too bad it didn't get the go ahead. Glad they used a less known WW2 battle as Hurtgen Forest rather than Normandy or the Battle of the Bulge.

I've seen the future and I've left it behind.


That is a huge error, in this movie. Which I just watched again. A little more effort at realism, because a woman in the trench would have been very unusual. And a black woman too. The U.S army was segregated, but there were some fighting side by side.
You might find a nurse near the front lines.

Anyway, a good effort and a good review above me.


Just saw this today and those were my exact thoughts. Not only two women in full uniform in the trenches, but a black female as well...during segregation. They should have introduced the female characters on the team in another way. This made zero sense for the time they traveled to. It makes P.C. sense for the time this was made however, and therein lies the problem. Beyond that this was good and would have been a good show to remake.



The 1944 G.I.'s were too distracted by the battle to take notice of a couple of scrawny recruits.
