MovieChat Forums > Runaway Jury (2003) Discussion > are we forgetting something?*spolier*

are we forgetting something?*spolier*

so the verdict was made in favor of the victims. but what about those people fitch "got to"? did they decide to go against the gun company and receive whatever consequences they were threatened with at the beginning? it doesn't make sense to me.


You sort of need to have read the book to understand how Easter did it, but I'll do what I can to explain.

Basically what happens in the jury room is that Nick shocks the jury by declaring that (paraphrasing) "For decades these corporations have been marketing products to the general population that have no other purpose than to kill people. (like the fingerprint resistant finishes, etc) They've done it in broad daylight, and no one has ever had the guts to do anything about it. They are letting people die to turn a profit, and I think we should stick it to 'em." Someone then asks him how much in damages he would want and he says a billion dollars.

That figure shocks everyone so much that their minds turn away from the question of guilty or not guilty and turn to how much Celeste Wood should get (a crucial shift no one notices but him). Since Herrera has already made everyone who thinks Celeste should get nothing feel like a tool, no one wants to revisit the subject of guilty or not guilty and Nick is able to keep the momentum going into a vote and when the damages are reduced through discussion to around $100 million it suddenly seems much more reasonable to people than a billion, and it works.

Of course 100 million was what Nick was going for to begin with, and so he is quite pleased. Game over.

Its just a really hard scene to make into a movie because its pretty subtle and doesn't work well when not on paper. Knowing that, its probably not a bad thing they didn't include it in the movie.


viper :
Y 100million? Is that what Mr Wood woulda earned in his lifetime?
& y did Celest sue the gun manufacturer & not her husb's office or the bld security or the gunman's family 4 $?

In reality has this every happened? How could gun comp be responsible ?


I don't think it's ever happened but the truth is (and I'm a gun nut myself) the firearms industry is very under-regulated, in my opinion, and it's actually easier to buy a gun than it is a 5th of liquor in a lot of places.

It's the illegal firearms that cause most of the real problems and that's the area that needs to be targeted.

The most truthful part is about the guy who buys 112 guns in 4 months and you've got to know he's selling them out of the trunk of his car.

In some states, that many purchases makes you a dealer which involves a lot higher clearance for purchasing firearms but in some states, it's no big deal.

"As the Philosopher Jagger said, you can't always get what you want."


the four million covers damages (how much Jacob Wood would have made, emotional damage to his family, etc), while the one hundred million covers punitive measures (additional monies from the defense)
