MovieChat Forums > No Night Is Too Long (2002) Discussion > No night is too long BBC 2 (27.12.02)

No night is too long BBC 2 (27.12.02)

Did anyone tape this drama. I really have to see it. I missed it. Will pay or maybe i have something you want to trade. If anyone out there taped it. And now doesn't want to keep it, please contact me.


well I hope someone did
cuz I want one too!


looks like am not the only one out there who missed this drama. Or maybe you got to watch it. I am not giving up though. Please, please someone say you taped it.


Just changing this message because it turns out unfortunately I can't hep out after all. Sorry.

It was really gr8, as good as the book was. Lee Williams was gr8 (and gorgeous) as Tim. Can you believe that he was the face of French connection and not a single picture can I find? Lol...


Hi Velvet starlight

thanks for replying to my message. i have just sent you an email, I hope you can help. But if not thanks for caring. I knew he was a model, i read a bit about him. Didn't know he was the face off French connection.

He made a film called Wolves off Kromer, very early film. Go to this website to see pics off him

You can also buy this film. I think it is only on region one. Try


I like to have it as well. I 'accidentally' saw it when I was changing channels after the AbFab special and was drawn to it immediately. I really love this movie! Isn't there something we can do, like ask the BCC to broadcast it again some time, or anything???


hi Bart1971

I wrote to the BBC, no reply yet. I said that it was aired at the wrong time, because it seems a lot off people missed this fine drama. I have even go so far as to ask friends if they taped it. One off my friends said they might show this drama on BBC Choice. I don't have sky, but he does. He said he will look out for it.

Least you saw more off it than me. I only got the last ten or fifthteen minutes on tape. I guess if enough people complain to the BBC, you never know, they might show it again.


Hmmm... I live in the Netherlands and we can't receive BBC Choice:((( I wrote to the BCC as well, but it would indeed be even better if they would release it on DVD. But even that is a fat chance I guess... Life really sucks sometimes....;(



Life does really suck. I actually wrote the BBC. They apologize about me missing the drama and told me at present they plan to repeat it. Then told me to write in to another department about a dvd release. I live in hope.

You don't get BBC. It was on BBC 2. I don't have sky. I hope they do release a video or Dvd off it.

But i bet you get some good dramas over there, that we over here (manchester) i live in, won't get to see.

Anyway happy new year.


not to play "my pain is greater than yours", but as a big Marc Warren fan, living in the States, my chances of seeing this film are pretty much slim to none! I know it will be airing in Canada on January 13 (on Showcase, I think), but I really doubt anyone in the US is going to be showing it. Certainly not on regular commercial TV! Not likely to be shown on BBC America, either. only hope is that BBC actually will release it on VHS or DVD. I guess the more people write and request it, the greater are the chances it will happen? I do know this much: No Night Is Too Long has had quite an impact. I`ve seen more interest generated on Marc Warren fan websites than ever before, since the airing of this film. His performance in Oliver Twist still seems to be almost everyones favorite, but I think this role has caught more peoples attention in a very short time. So...I hope they do repeat it, I hope they do release it on VHS/DVD, and I'll certainly write the BBC and add my voice to the rest of yours, in hopes we`ll get what we want! So what department did they refer you to, about DVD release? Maybe if you post the address more people will write? Power in numbers...
and Happy New Year to you, as well!


Hi and a happy new year to you too.

Why another Marc Warren fan. Not a Lee Williams fan. Actually i like both men. After my e-mail, he refered me to his colleagues at

[email protected]

I am still saying a prayer every night that our dreams will come through. Perhaps it's time for me to move to Canada, eh.

My sister thinks am mad, going on about this. But you know what, last Friday i was feeling down. Now all theses messages and knowing that so many people feel the same way. I feel a bit better. I agree with you about the more people request a DVD/VHS they will eventually have to listen.

All the best for the new year.


Well, you`re not alone....lottsa people think I`ve gone mad on the subject of Marc Warren. I`m used to their taunts by now....someday they`ll sing a different tune, and recognize the true genius of Marc....and *me* for knowing how grand he is *now*!:)

I`m not too familliar with Lee Williams, in fact had no previous knowledge of him. Guess I should check him out more thoroughly. Could he possibly be on par with MW? Can my heart stand it??

So thanks very much for the reply, and posting the email address so I can write with my own request. I`m also going to post the address at Marc fansites. There are lots of people writing messages on the boards, hoping to find copies of No Night. So hopfully they will add to the numbers of people writing the good folks at the BBC. Cross our fingers for luck...

Ultimatly a move to Canada is certainly in order. They show so much more in the way of fine British television in Canada, than we get to see here.

thanks again & good luck to us all with our quest!

PS...I read the book by Barbara Vine/Ruth Rendell when I first found out the film was being made. It was a really good read, gripping and suspenseful, with a very surprising ending. I know they`ve changed the story somewhat ( no spoilers, except in the book, Ivo is dark haired, and Tim is the blonde!) Anyway, besides the fact that I`ve got to see it, just for Marc Warren`s performance, I`m dying of curiosity to see how they changed the story line, see how they handled putting certain parts on film, etc.

Bye for real this time....


Hi again Hedgie-1

I just got the book from I started reading it. Yeah i realised Tim is blond in the book. I wish i could tell you how they changed the ending. I really have to read the book now. Anyway i only saw the last ten minutes off it. But you don't want me to spoil it for you.

Okay thanks for replying again and good luck with your quest. I hope all the Marc Warren fans can get the BBC to change their mind. You think they would be glad that so many people want to see or buy this drama. They should think off the money they will make.

Okay bye.


It's nice to hear so many people liked what they did manage to see off the drama. Perhaps they will put it on Dvd/Vhs. I think it deserves another airing. What do we pay our tv liscence for.

Okay i will just throw this out, did anyone tape it on their PC. I don't have a tv card. But if someone did tape it, they could put it in a file sharing program like Kazaa. Just a thought.


it is available to buy as a book which must be better than nothing.
following this link will give you a brief description of what happens.
(you will have to cut and paste)



Thanks new2this156. Like the name. Yes i know it is a book. i have sent for the book from But you know, pictures are much nicer than reading the book.

Besides that. I really like the two male actors in the drama. But thanks.


I just got a reply from the BBC. Unfortunately they are not planning to release No Night Is Too Long on DVD:( I didn't get answers of it being re-broadcasted....


Hi bart1971

Thanks for contacting the BBC. it's a shame it's no good news about this drama. About it being broadcast again. I was told at this present time no.

Thanks again.




Have you really taped this drama. I would be interested. I am sure hedgie would be too. When did you offer this item, i didn't see anything on the board.


Hey...whoa! WHA???? (eyes bugging out) How did I miss that???! I know I`ve been extremely busy lately, and not keeping up as I should, but your post got right past me. Thanks for pointing it out to me! I know there have been scads of messages lately, but I didn`t think there were so many that I`d actually missed some altogether. I`ll be in touch. And oh, yes....sublime deliciousness? Delectable speaking voice? Uh-huh.....I'll second that! Just two more reasons why it`s amazing he`s not a huge star by now.

And Debbie- yeah! Definitly worth reading the spoilers *now*, but perhaps in the future we`ll have opportunity to dish it. In the meantime, enjoy! And thanks for starting up the discussion on this board, by the way!

Just in case anyone is interested, here's a link :

Take care y'all!



Hi taluah

Sorry for doubting you. I have sent you two private messages. My e-mail is enclosed in the second one. The first message has the wrong e-mail. Don't do anything with that tape. I need that tape. Please...


ok....I think I`ve blown my chance already (you snooze, you lose...I should have replied already) but....any chance of making copies? I`m guessing that by now Talulah & Debbie have struck a deal, and it`s too late for me to get in on this. I do have stuff to trade, if anyone is interested, and can make me a copy. I have lots of NTSC vhs tapes, *possibly* PAL tapes (depends on whether or not my "partner in crime" is interested in letting go of any of the PAL tapes we`ve had transfered to NTSC) You can either write me through IMDb`s service, or through the address posted in my previous post. Ok...thanks!


Hi Hedgie and Debbie

I have just read all these messages about "no night is too long" I saw the last 10 minutes by accident and would LOVE to see the whole thing. I was relying on BBC choice repeating it but I have had no sense from the bbc when I e-mailed them regarding this - they also say they have no plans to release it commercially. Looks like I missed out on the tape too Hedgie - I got here too late!!

Debbie if you have seen it now was it worth the wait? I think Lee Williams is gorg. As for Mark Warren I did try to go to the link you posted Hedgie and it wouldn't load.

if any of you hear anything about repeats please put it on here - I am going to keep on nagging them.




I know and they have repeated Ab fab twice - when are they going to show it? I have had nonsense replies from them so far but I don't intend to give up! I just want to see it - I am so mad I missed it first time!




From Victoria, BC, Canada - where this show was filmed. My wife and I are part-time actors and both worked on the show. We've being hoping that it would come to DVD or TV and finally our wish has been answered. It is scheduled to air on Showcase (Canada) on Monday January 13, 2003. I plan to tape it on my VCR. This will be a nice addition to our film resumes. We had lots of fun working on the show especially the Cruise boat and Zodiac scenes. The cast and crew were very professional but still managed to be loose enough for all of us to have an enjoyable experience.


I don't know what to say but Wow.

You must off had a really good time. Did you get to meet the two lovely leading actors. And was it really that cold.

Well i hope you enjoy taping it on the 13th January. It aired over in England on 27th December 2002, Friday. I actually missed it, until recently someone was kind enough to post me their copy off it.

happy new year.



i too have recorded this remarkable film. I would prefer to keep it though but can run off copies for anyone who wants - reduced quality no doubt but at least you'd get to see it. Anyone who wants can email me on [email protected]



thank you. Someone was kind enough to send me a copy off this drama. Yes it is quite remarkable. I keep playing it over and over. Lee Williams is just so cute. I don't think i will ever get sick off this drama.

I still think the BBC should repeat it. With all this interest going on. One more thing, you do know now, that your e-mail inbox, is going to be full. Hope you got a lot off blank tapes.


lucky you debbie! I have not had any luck with the bbc - I keep checking on bbc choice's search facility which tells you the next 7 days line up but they have said they have no plans to repeat it -which is amazing with all this interest in it.

Glad you got to see it anyway and obviously enjoyed it.


Hi leone1

Yes i did enjoy it. I haven't been able to stop playing it. Only because i am a huge fan off Lee Williams, the other lead in the drama.

Did you not see a post someone left on the board about if anyone wants a copy of the drama they should contact him. He left an e-mail.

[email protected]

Why don't you contact them. I have been looking at choice, and checking the schedule. I don't have digital, but i have still been checking.

Try that e-mail.


Hi Debbie

Yes I have contacted them and asked for a copy. I love Lee Williams too and can't wait to see this. Glad you enjoyed it - the 10 minutes or so that I did manage to see were enough to make me want to watch it all so I am not surprised you enjoyed it so much.


Hi Leonel

Another Lee williams fan. He is just so beauiful, breathtaking. Hope you get your copy soon. I still hope that they release it on Dvd, so i can press pause on the screen.

Believe me, when you see all the whole drama you won't be disappointed.


Hi guys, this is excellent stuff. With the level of interest I think we could definately get the bbc to do something about releasing it on video or dvd. Or even just plain, showing it again.
Everyone keep mailing them and nagging them. Eventually they will do it just to shut us up!
Its an excellent film and i could never understand why A. I'd never heard of it before and B. it just seemed to vanish into the thin air from whence it came after i saw it!
Am still trying to get a copy of it. Thanks to all the people on this message board who helped me out! Am glad i saw all this:)



Lets keep nagging them. I feel like i started the whole thing. Have you got a copy off the tape now. Yes it is a brillant drama. The BBC should listen to us.


I taped it in VHS -- a friend of mind had a role in it, and I was worried that if I blinked I'd miss it.


I know I'm being nosy, but what did your friend play?
