Good But Sad

This was an awesome movie I saw it on the movie network on my satilite dish, I love it and Ican't believe that it's a trues story, I love this movie and I was wondering what do you think?

It's Mind Boggling


We watched the DVD today. The DVD has a lot of special features about the true story. You would enjoy it.



i admit that it made my eyes tear up a little, but hey, i think it was supposed to do that, right?
it is an excellent movie. i have watched it abotu 5 times already and then had to return it. (i rented it from blockbuster)
i bought it recently though so i can watch it at least 95 more times to make it 100 times.
lol. you must think i am crazy, but like i said, it is a good movie.
i especially liked teh part when the bug guy put the boys mom in her place by telling her it was too noisy. he also pushed her aside a few minutes later and i laughed at that.
and of course like ever adventure movie there has to be a scary part in it. this one has a pretty cool scary scene. i wont tell you what it is though cause it will just ruin the movie for you.
i would give it about 9 stars out of 10 because the boy fell asleep in the forest instead of making it back to camp and goin back to where the scary part was to rescue his "father figure".

very good movie.
