I want it too!

Ok, ok, I know alot of us has posted here that we want a copy of this performance, but I had to post my own too. I'm and near my wits end. I really really REALLY want this tape. I remember first seeing this in High School, my drama teacher had us watch it, and from the first few minutes I fell in love with this paly, and Neil Simon as a playwight as well.
It is what got me hooked.
I have been searching for who knows HOW long for it. I have the dvd of the actual movie with Robert Redford and Jane Fonda but I prefer this version better. OMG I so want this tape!
If anyone can help, or figured out how to obtain a copy, please please PLEASE let me know. It would be greatly appreciated. I am willling to pay.
You can contact me through Myspace, my addy there is www.myspace.com/ajs_girl
Thanks in advance!

"A tiger in a cage can never see the sun,
This diva needs her stage,
Baby- let's have fun!"
