adam carnegie

anyone like his character? he seems a little too sarky but he might grow on me in time


I don't like him. Theres something about him I just don't trust. On the other hand he can't be worse than 'Arper!


i like 'arper! such a great character to take the piss out of. adam's not to my taste at all. but he is not getting with jill! i refuse to allow it, no matter what judith and everyone else think ;)


I like him :)
He's hot!


nooooooooooo! he's not! he's so icky! caroline, the board is private so people who haven't joined up can't see the link

I am the walrus! Whooo!


I really like him (she says sheepishly). Dunno what it is, but there's something about him that's really appealing. And probably the fact that no one likes him at the Royal endears him to me even more! (Poor soul - he's just doing his job.) Also, I was never a huge fan of Edinburgh accents (coming from Glasgow) but his is great. I find myself mimicing him whenever he says something in a very Edinburgh-esque way. He makes my smile.

Novice novices? How novel.


go on then, hang your head and be sheepish! i really don't like him ;) he's so smarmy!



my wife can't stand him!! but there is definitely something dodgy about him
