Dead Ringers - brill

as a Brit who has been in Canada for 18 years, I find it refreshing. although I get most of the skits, can anyone tell me who the scots guy is who sits round the table with Germaine Greer?

I think the Sharma skits are excellent as I thought I was the only one who got seasick watching him on History of Britain!

anyway, I think it is a great show


Tom Paulin is the whiney-voiced Scot in question.


Dead Ringers can sometimes be hilarious but sometimes I feel they bite off more than they can chew in an attempt to keep the show topical. That John Hurt impression on last nights show sucked- it was nothing like him. John Hurt rules and deserves to have some better impersionations done of him.
However, the Greg Dyke, Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall, Kirsty Walk and the Daily Politics sketches are all great.

The lionesses realized they killed a tofudebeest- one of the Serengeti's obnoxious health antelopes



Come on... it is a fact, that when it comes to impressions, Rory Bremner outdoes all competitors in terms of voice, body language- anything. Really, I find Dead Ringers a bit playschool having enjoyed a healthy hour of Bremner Bird and Fortune. That said, I hope the new election special will be good.

It is a pity DR did not live up to radio as well as Little Britain did (I think the transition from radio to TV for LB was better!)


(I think the transition from radio to TV for LB was better!)

To be fair though, Little Britain has original characters. Since the cast of Dead Ringers don't look like a majority of the people they're impersonating its not gonna be such an easy transition

Saying that, i don't like LB that much anyway.

"Do y'ou wanna come back to our hut" barry AUFPET


Nobody can match Rory Bremner. But Dead Ringers does have trouble with having to divide up the parts - we know from Jon Culshaw's own show that he does a much better Michael Howard ("The children of the night - what sweet music they make"*; "I've cut off your tie! You look really silly!"**) than the guy who does him on DR. But only Bremner can convey Howard without makeup or speech.

* Dracula Howard responds to the cheers of his party

** Howard is Mr Blond to Tony Blair's captive cop
