Keistina's story?!

She was so poor she had to eat lipstick? Her mom kicked her out at 5 years old? She got picked up by an orphanage and lived there for 7 years? Her mom never got her and then she died?! Holy sh!t I thought Raven told a good story.


Absolutely horrible. Her mom must've been psycho!


we have no idea what it can be like in other countries

i've been to orphanages in India, and have a friend with a horrific story of when his family came over from Cuba when he was just a small child...absolutely horrific

*Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!*


yeah, i wish there was more detail available.. sounds horrific wow..


It sounded to me like Kristina had told that story many times. She didn't need to add in all the little details like eating lipstick, it made her sound sympathy-seeking IMO. She could just say "it was a pretty bad situation" and leave it at that, and maybe reveal the gritty details once you really know someone, when it comes up in conversation.

Sorry if that sounds mean, but I'm tired of the women on Bachelor who seem to be dying to tell the Bachelor their "sob story," as if that will make him feel sympathy for her and thus "love" her???

I just think people should keep those types of stories fairly succinct when you're just starting to get to know someone.


I thought eating the lipstick was the major point of the story, not some "little detail." Her mom told her not to eat anything, but she was forced to eat lipstick, and that got her thrown out.


ITA about them blurting out their stupid sob stories right away, but I don't think it applies here. Nick basically dragged it out of her, at first she only said she came from Russia and still has a sister over there. She only said more because he kept asking. She also probably could've gone into a lot more detail about the orphanage but didn't.

PS does it bother anyone else that he always looks like he's about to burst into laughter when someone is telling him something serious?!


Are you serious? She was living in poverty in Russia, lived in an orphanage for 7 years and all you can say is that she's attention seeking? Sorry but I think that comment is completely out of line.


It's a sad situation for sure, but I just felt like the way she told the story and the level of detail she went into was designed to tug at the heartstrings.

And I'm certain that the one-on-one date reveal of Kristina's orphanage background was spoken about and set up by producers beforehand.

Sorry. I know - I'm terrible. I'm just a bit more cynical or skeptical than you are, I guess.


And I'm certain that the one-on-one date reveal of Kristina's orphanage background was spoken about and set up by producers beforehand.

Of course it was. The producers absolutely told her go into detail, just like they told Raven go into detail about her catching her cheating boyfriend. Only difference is, I actually believe Kristina's story whereas I think Raven's was highly exaggerated for dramatic effect.


I feel like we did not watch the same date. She did keep it pretty simple when she initially presented the facts about her past. She answered his questions about family, and then he wanted to know more. She paused several times and did not continue with the whole thing until Nick prompted her again to give him more detail.

I can think of tons of previous contestants who have acted just like you described - "dying to tell the Bachelor their "sob story," as if that will make him feel sympathy for her and thus "love" her" but I did not see that in Kristina at all. Those women usually majorly hype up their BIG CONFESSION to the camera several times, acting all nervous and keyed up about getting alone time with the bach so they can spill all the sordid details. I think Kristina has been very low key about her past and still would not have gone into the whole thing unless he kept asking all those follow-up questions to the sparse information that she did willingly give.

The fact that she got in trouble for eating lipstick is real & horrific. If he really wanted to know the severity of what she went through - which he clearly did - then that was her story. Why should she edit it / minimize it if she is taking a shot at really connecting with someone?


I can think of tons of previous contestants who have acted just like you described - "dying to tell the Bachelor their "sob story," as if that will make him feel sympathy for her and thus "love" her" but I did not see that in Kristina at all. Those women usually majorly hype up their BIG CONFESSION to the camera several times, acting all nervous and keyed up about getting alone time with the bach so they can spill all the sordid details. I think Kristina has been very low key about her past and still would not have gone into the whole thing unless he kept asking all those follow-up questions to the sparse information that she did willingly give.

Agreed. She was coaxed into going into detail - most likely by the producers, who told Nick to keep prodding her. I don't think she's an attention seeker by nature. There have been way worse examples of hyped up dramatic stories on this show.


Totally. Juelia comes to mind immediately... she dropped her past on the bach at a pool party or something where everyone was there and it was just a bit of one-on-one time toward the beginning of the season. She was desperate to tell him.


I've heard a lot about those Russian orphanages and sex trafficking with the minors, but I had no idea they were kicked out at 16 to fend for themselves! Even America, which is a pretty sh!tty country still when it comes to healthcare and higher education, has programs intact for "outgrown" foster youths.

She sure shed a new light on why there's so many underage prostitutes in her country. The orphanges there are already like a dime a dozen, it's that bad. Most of the males die in their 50's/60s from alcoholism, so not many father figures around either. Very sad indeed!

ATTN: Please check out 4chan for the most intelligent conversations on cinema, TV, & thespians!


The worse part is that Russia and it's near neighbours don't allow people from first world countries (or any other country) to adopt their children anymore.


she'd make a great mail order bride
