MovieChat Forums > Jisatsu sâkuru (2021) Discussion > Disturbing bolling alley scene

Disturbing bolling alley scene

Anyone else thorougly disturbed by the bowling alley scene? I find rape deplorable and that scene was just.....


There arent too many people that do like rape. Actually I think its safe to say, most of the human population (including me) find it to be deplorable.

But this is a film, its not the real world... its not glorifying or encouraging rape... Its just telling a story that has a rape scene in it.

Its a great film!


On the contrary rape is a fairly common crime which would prove that there are a lot of people who don't are not too bothered by it. Humans are not the great moral animal that many people we believe they are.


Yes the bowling alley scene was quite disturbing. Not just the rape, but the stomping of small animals in sacks as well. The entire scene was meant to shock you. Sion Sono's art visions are truly demented. Check out his next film, Strange Circus. But get ready for lots of skin...

Also Suicide Circle 2 has just been released. Directed of course, by Sion Sono!


Oh, I know. It's fantasyland and therefore its not real rape. However, I would have found the scene more valuable if it actually had any effect on the plot rather than simply giving Rolly some airtime. The scene seemed a bit needless to me. It almost seemed like they ran out of ideas so they tossed the script and decided to film a music video. All in all I enjoyed the movie aside from that one scene. And while I didn't like that scene, I'm sure there are some that would defend the hell out of it. So to each their own.


I just watched the movie, and not to defend rape in anyway, but I think it was a necessary part of the film. I think, and this is just my own interpretation, but the entire bowling alley scene was to show the contrast between the extreme violence of Genesis' gang and the "Suicide Club". Whereas Genesis' gang seemed to be commiting their acts for the sake of doing it, the "Club" was trying to enlighten people, in their own sick way. Genesis' gang was supposed to represent what the viewer wanted to believe, that somebody truly sick and evil was behind the suicides, rather than a group of children. But like I said, that's my own interpretation.

But rape is probably the most disgusting, sick, and brutal crime in all of humanity. The reason why it is shown in films is to disturb you and to make you feel disgust at the attacker and sympathy for the victim. I have never once felt comfortable viewing a rape scene in a film, but I know the reason why it is necessary to the film. I even remember the first time I watched Deliverance and began laughing at the beginning of the famous rape scene in it, because several jokes have been made about it since the movie was released, but that laughter soon ended and I felt sick to my stomach, which was the effect the filmmaker wanted me to feel. And I will agree that there are times when a director or writer will throw in a rape scene because their work is devoid of any real value, and want to shock you because they know it will get a rise out of you. In Suicide Circle, I don't believe that was the case.


Rape is in no way the sickest crime. I would rather be raped than being killed, having my house burned down, being tortured etc...

I don't know what's truly terrifying about rape... yeah you don't want it but at least the guy's not hurting you. It's just like if somebody forces you to kiss him, what hurt does it do to you?

If rape is the sickest crime ever, then sex is the sickest and most cruel you've ever seen.




Oh my God. You need the Internet taken away from you right now.






"yeah you don't want it but at least the guy's not hurting you."

Aside from the fact that many rape victims are beaten/killed, the pain would come from the vaginal muscles constricting due to the woman not being aroused i.e. because SHE DOESN'T WANT IT. This will cause considerable pain, tearing, bleeding, etc. It's like the body is instinctively trying to prevent the rape from occurring. Gee, dunno what's so "terrifying" about that...Sex sometimes hurts even when the woman does want it. No one should be forced to have sex or even kiss someone. This is about dignity and personal boundaries and a feeling of safety.

The sickest and cruelest things are often within the minds of people who commit such horrible acts and those who brush them off as insignificant.


Well said. We have all these people that love torture and violence but become the most uptight prudes when it comes to rape. It's just a movie you weirdos! Real rape would be sick as would be everything else they showed in this movie.


How could you say that? You must not have ever been through trauma or you glorify the real life pain of it.

YOU'RE the one who's sick. &


You thought that scene was horrible... Check out "Irréversible"!


i agree with the statement that rape is not the worst crime you can commit. even tho many people think that harming animals is too i think the worst of the worst would be to hurt or kill a baby. there is nothing worse than killing a helpless, unaware infant or torturing them in any way. Everybody else involved in most crimes have experienced alot in life.. unlike babies. they have no idea whats going on or what the world is about. love, fun, excitement, horror and strife are some of the things babies havent experienced and should before they are tortured into being scared or killed and not givin a chance to experience at all.

"She Lika Da Way Ta Dick Taste" - Knocked Up


That's why circumcision horrifies me.

If you are Anti-American: Admit you are doing it just to be cool. Does it feel good to hate?


Rape is a terrible crime. You must be a pathetic guy or really stupid girl. &


I just watched this movie again, and I'm not sure where you actually got the idea she was getting raped?

You didnt see it... they guy had his pants on... where was the rape?

I am completely over this over sensitive political correct society!

This world needs to lighten up!


a)Pants don't need to come down to facilitate rape. b)Watch the movie again (it's very gripping for the most part, so it stands up to repeated viewings). c) This is nothing to do with "political correctness", which is a reductive term used to trivialize what is, most usually, an awareness of the way popular culture affirms, subverts, or re-invents social paradigms. d) If this society WERE "oversensitive" and "politically correct", it might not be such a calculating, cynical, ignorant place to inhabit, given as it is to endorsing brutal wars in places most people can't find on a map. Shantih shantih shantih


That scene definitely at least insinuated rape, and to be perfectly honest, I found it an un-necassary part of the film, but to be perfectly honest I have been far more disturbed by scenes in some recent Hollywood films, primarily Hostel 2, and I don't think the rape-part of the scene was that badly done ie; it wasn't by any means graphic.

What annoyed me the most to be honest is that scene seemed completely disjointed from the rest of the film, it was like the director just wanted to pay some sort of homage to A Clockwork Orange and threw it in there for the sake of it, I agree that it did provide a slight diversion from the main plot and added a bit of a twist to the film, but the film really would have been better without it.


The only thing that disturbed me during that scene was the song they played. lol


"but the great majority of those male-on-male rapes take place in prison and for some insane reason are regarded as either a deserved part of a criminal's punishmnet or fit for stupid, stupid, STUPID "jokes" about not dropping the soap in the shower. I bet the guys in prison with shredded bowels, bleeding rectums and broken bodies don't think it's very funny."

When you said that, I lost all respect for you. Go back to your midwestern home you bourgeois dumbass.


Again with the midwestern jokes.
What's wrong with living in the midwest?
I mean, I live in the NorthEast, but I still don't get why Midwesterners get so much crap.


Did you even watch the movie?
The chick who was being raped got STABBED.
Unless of course you think being stabbed doesn't hurt either.


It seems that some people on here completely missed the point of Genesis and his gang. They were claiming to be the Suicide Club, Genesis was the ringleader and wanted to be in the spotlight. They wanted to get caught and wanted the media attention, hell they even told The Cat exactly what to send to the police. If you note the footage of them being captures, Genesis speaks into the camera and it seems he got exactly what he wanted.

Because sponges never have bad days.


Ehmm... well i kinda agree with what seth said.. o.O for one, he was like a meter off the ground.. >.>
okay, fine you got me with the 'insinuated rape', but for gods sakes they'r getting at how sick the group was and *branded* them as the *bad guys* and 'evil'....

=] simple as that~ not dsicussing how disgusting or sick or twistd they are... just that they're the bad guys~

andby the nature of us discussing this, the director succeeded.

good movie~ =] (despite the random blood sprays and breakign into song and dance.........and the guitar appearing out of thin air...)

PS. Genesis can't sing =]

"... Et tu, Brute?.."



I don't live in the Midwest, Slackvity. I divide my time between Los Angeles and London.


Bingo. I agree with everything you said. The twist and tiny extra bit of food for thought aren't worth it. The entire film stops for the song, and never quite builds its momentum back up.

"Blending is the secret"


i hate that whole scene, it was unnecessary and ruined the movie. I acutally stopped watching it half way through it, but then decided to come back and skip the rest of it.


Even if you believe the scene was unnecessary, how can it ruin the whole film?

I think all the nudity in Toxic Avenger is unnecessary, but that doesn't stop me from loving it..


Strangely enough, I loved the song they were singing in this scene.

Anyone know what the song name/artist is?? :D



I have the Danger After Dark Unrated version of this film. I didn't see any rape scene in it. I saw the guy go into the bed sheet with the girl, then there was a lot of screaming and blood when she was stabbed. So, is there another version of the film that actually shows the rape? From what I gathered from it, it was intended to suggest the girl gets raped, but it's not shown graphically in the movie, at least my version of it.

Also, I found the killing of the animals, particularly the dog which was on screen for a while disturbing. However, I respect that they didn't use any animals, or taxidermied animals.

From what I'm familiar with when it comes to horror film techniques. They put a fake blood bad in the pillow, so blood shows up when he steps on it. The sounds of the animals suffering, is from a soundtrack they used. So, it was all faked, if it was real then I'd be offended. Also the fake animal abuse, was important to the storyline, to show how sick Genesis was. It's very common for serial killers to also have abused animals when they were younger, or in general.

As far as the scene pertaining to the rest of the storyline, it shows how there are people so desperate for their 15 minutes of fame they'll do anything. Genesis is a good representation of a classic Sociopath. He's very narcissistic, as you can tell by his speech when he's captured.

I think it also reflects on how people like to believe that there's some way you can point out who's dangerous. The problem with Sociopaths, the type of people who tend to become killers, is they're very charming and can look like anyone. The Craigslist killer is a perfect example of this. The idea that once they caught him the suicides didn't stop, is disturbing, because it reflects on how it's never easy to identify who has criminal tendencies in all societies.

I think the scene helps emphasize the struggle the cops have, in trying to find who the person behind the suicides are. It also is reflective on the concept of questioning the media, which is also what the storyline with Dessart was about.


You saw the uncut version of the film, the rape is never depicted the rape beyond the pillow case. Also I believe you've come to the conclusion the director intended, Genesis were the product of the media's interest in the crime and nothing more. They were a scapegoat for the populace and a poster child for the police to boast about catching whilst being totally frivolous, irrelevant to the cause of the suicides; only a commentary on the popularity of them.



Nah it wasn't that brutal.

If you don't believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, put this in your sig.


Yes, it was disturbing.
