Just a few questions

1) Why was Kuroda so worried about that crime scene sign next to his house? Was it just another symbol of his disconnection to his own family (paying more attention to a dead boy)?

2) Why did the boy sound "sick" on the phone? Was it just to have a quirky or is there a point here?

3) I read the nurses subplot was cut...then, what's the point of keeping that scene where the security guy sees their ghosts? It felt awfully disconnected from the rest of the movie.

4) Having watched "Noriko", are we supposed to believe Kumiko was in charge of the "Dessert" operation too? I found weird how the "skin bag" thing wasn't mentioned in "Noriko", even though it seems to be linked to both operations.


just my 5 cents:
1) the scene just underlines that Kuroda-san is a person who likes to keep things in order
2) dunno, no obvious reason
3) the film has more than one error in it... i also thought the nurses-sub-plot was completely unnecessary
4) did not watch "Noriko" yet but liked Suicide Circle so much that I'll watch it as soon as possible... thanks for the tip!
