Suicide in Japan?

Is suicide actually considered 'trendy' in Japan with teenagers?

Can anyone give us an insight about why so many people in Japan kill themselves?


wll from what i know, it's not trendy, but many teenagers who don't get to university or that dishonor their family, they kill themselves because of shame


In some way you could say, but more than a trend it has become a sort of ritual/sect thing.

Suicide is still one of the top causes of death in Japan to this day. The reasons? The isolation, depression, stress and yes, even repression of emotions.

"I believe the common character of the universe is not harmony, but hostility, chaos and murder."


It's also because suicide has such a different connotation in Japan than in the West. It's not some moral sin that will doom you to hell for all eternity. Yeah not too high up on building good karma, and probably will give you bad karma in the future, but not something that is the final straw between you and some God.


There's a forest in Japan where thousands commit suicide and all the bodies are still in the woods...


Aokigahara. I just happened to read an article on it the other day.


The fact they just leave them there is creepy..


They dont theres a vice documentary about it and some guy goes in the forest and sometimes tries to talk them out of it or he finds dead bodies.

But I dont think it matters if they leave them there some people I guess would even prefer to be buried in a forest.
