its disgusting

this is a bad movie trying to put a good reason why the girls commit suicide

i think the dirctor was trying his best but its stupid idea to think about

i understand what the writer wanted to do but the meaning was stupid and

why you will commit suicide just because you don't believe in your self ??


Wow, I hate to be the internet spelling/grammar nazi but you should seriously consider going back to school.


Not everyone who posts here is an English speaking native. Hate to be a common sense Nazi; but your judgment in making that post was horrific.



Hate to be a regular Nazi, but I think you are all Jewish garbage arguing over nonsense.


Funniest *beep* I read all day. Kind of an obscure place to find the funniest *beep* of the day, so bravo.


Just wanted to confirm that yes, almost two years later, while this may not be the funniest *beep* of the day anymore, it is definitely top10 material. Good job!


That comment made me laugh out loud. Nice bit of comic relief after having just finished watching this movie.

Sig under construction


I agree with the poster, this movie sucks.


I'm a fan of the movie but I can understand where your coming from, but, just asking, do you know much about Japanese (pop)culture?


I am a fan too. But the first time watching afterwards, i kinda felt sick. that rarely happens ever.


im pretty sure japanese pop culture doesnt have to do much with killing yourself...

then there would be no pop culture in japan, because they would all be flattend on the subway tracks

and this movie makes my sick to my stomach, i think its a poor excuse just to throw blood around


actually, it does.
the culture you have grown up with and the society you live in obviously influence a lot. if you knew some stuff about the japanese culture, you'd know that, for example, suicide has a different status in their culture than it does in the 'western world'. you'd also know under how much pressure kids are at school. and according to the statistics, Japan is one of the top suicide-bound countries, and suicide pacts have been known to happen.

as a last comment, though I haven't seen the movie, I don't think it can be much worse than most American Hollywood movies about violence/murders/etc..


Obviously, you don't know about the best-seller book "The Complete Suicide Manual", it's not a fictional book, it's about different methods to commit suicide, and each one has it's own "rating" regarding pain, effectiveness, how much time it takes to die, how accesible it is the specific methos, etc.

And you don't know about the "ritsuka" body stickers, "ritsuka" is how they call a "wrist cutter", and in Japan you can find body stickers resembling cuts, with different degrees of deepness and "freshness". That's absolutelly weird, but I think it's way better that your kid just put on fake "cuts" over them rather than your average northamerican emo kid, who cuts just to follows a "trend" or for copycat.

PS: In my country, both suicide and cutting are huge taboos.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language.




Wow, I hate to be the internet spelling/grammar nazi but you should seriously consider going back to school.

What he said.
Your spelling is disgsting (sic).


I mean, there are a lot of people on this site who don't understand movies and are aggressively ignorant of the themes, particularly in foreign films, but this is one of the worst. Almost amazingly stupid.


That's not cool. Fifty of my sisters died the same way!




*lol* ! ! ! Got to LOVE that answer ! ! ! *hugs*

Suicide is the most sincere form of self-criticism.



