Who is that girl...?

Near the end of the film, when the whole plot is supposed to go down. She's in the background when John Gilligan's on the phone. She's blonde, and has a blue bathrobe on. She's crying on the floor. Who is she? Why is she crying?

Tell me you don't love me.
I don't love you.


You must be talking about actress Amy Shiels. She played 'Gilligans mistress' in the movie............and I even bet his wife knew of his mistress or many others but you think with all the money and big house he had she was gonna leave him?????????

anyhow shes cryin cause shes watching a really sad movie on TV.

I want to all men!


This thread is three years old, so I doubt the OP will be reading it, but, just in case, the girl is crying because Gilligan punched her in the nose. Her nose is bleeding.


She wasn't watching a sad movie! Gilligan beat her up, like he seems to be fond of doing to women. He even threatened his own wife in this movie! What a piece of you know what.
