don't make a sequel!

don't make sequels to every movie u became successful at! I mean cmon ! There's Meet The fockers , then x3 , Chronicles of Riddick .Indiana Jones 4? Why do they have to make sequels everytime? That is why Shyamalan scores here , he stopped at Unbreakable . Make sequels only if u had planned it from the beginning! Like Terminator , Alien and Star Wars for instance .


Sequels are made, because the audience is running into them, an sometimes, they are really goot, and ALien... Weaver died in part III, so there a 4th part was planned??

And a sequel was planned with Terminator, with such a big time between the sequels?? And Part III was planned?? Terminator III was utter crap, lame and silly...

And about Star Wars, you might be right with the movies from the 70th... but now, the "PERIOD I", "Period II" flicks were craps as well, if they are made a real beginning we will find out, that Luke Skywalker´s father was the milkman!



alright, OlliBLN, keep watching your german movies like (T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 1 and leave real good movies like the Star Wars, Terminator and Alien movies alone. and please, don't put spoilers to movies that people might not have seen yet (i.e. people dying at the end).

imo, people in hollywood should continue making sequels (or prequels) to movies that the audience actually wants to see (like Indy 4!) but stop producing the stuff which is just lame... Legally Blonde 2 anyone?


I actually liked this as a sequel, I thought it was close enough to Anatomie to be relevant but different enough to be an interesting movie of its own accord. I don't really see what the relevance is here, it's not like it was a bad sequel.


... it's not like it was a bad sequel.
Are you seriously suggesting it was good?🐭
