This sucked

This movie was terrible. It was Lifetime trying to make a sports movie and it just didn't work. Meg Ryan's accent is distracting and the script has a bunch of holes. What makes it even more infuriating is that the entire film is loosely based on Kallen's life and what was spit on screen was the best storyline the writers could come up with.

It only makes me wish that Stallone would just make Rocky six already.


Go figure, it was filmed two years before the release. The studio knew it sucked and had to sit on it.



I remember reading an article in Premiere of something about why they had to sit on the movie. It was something about it having conflicts with the war in Iraq and the material was too "tough to handle at this point in American time." or something. Then Dutton went on to say that "we're not changing a frame of the movie." I dunno ATR was one of maybe six movies featured in the postponed because of the war catgeory. I guess what I'm trying to say is just cause this movie got postponed doesn't mean it sucked.


I agree, I saw it at a sneak preview last night.
This maybe would have made a better "made for TV" movie.

I'll take Tom Cruise to block!


I agree with what eddie-173 said. I saw the sneak preview of this movie and I don't remember any scene that had anything to do with the war in Iraq, so that reason for postponing the release doesn't really make sense to me. Had I not gotten free tickets to the sneak preview, this is a movie that I would have never watched.


For anyone who saw this movie: How was Tony Shaloub's performance? He was the only reason I wanted to see this movie in the first place...someone help please.


Tony Shalhoub was a believable bad guy. Evil enough to be convincing, but not over the top. Some of the dialogue was really contrived but that's not his fault.


Actually, I heard it was supposed to be released last April but it was delayed because the war coverage was dominating TV and that it would be impossible to advertise it on the networks.


It's so corny and predictable. I saw the screening last nght and almost fell asleep. Not a good role for Meg.

It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.



This movie was a joke!!!!! Jackie Kallen was a groupie in Detroit during the Tommy Hearns Kronk Gym days!

She wrote a piece in the Oakland Press about once a month then pushed her way in to Kronk Gym as their PR person!

She fell in To James Tony and mismanaged his career and he finally fired her!!!!

This movie is pure hollywood fiction!!!!!


Meg Ryan needs to make some better movie selections.I saw it on a plane and it wasnt that bad.Though I think Meg just dressed like a slut in every scene that she was in though she gives a decent performance everything else about the movie was below average so I rated this 4/10.


How was Kerry Washington's performance?


yea. i fell asleep.

Now. . . bring me that horizon


Indeed, Meg's acting sucks. she acted like a twelve year girl suddenly lost her mind when fame and wealth struck on her, not in the manner an adult should be. We can understand the twist in this film but Meg JUST not the ideal person to take the role. What I see at the end of the story was everyone gave applaud to a stupid woman , not the historical female figure supposed to be.


If you look at the box office numbers, you'll see it did fairly well very early - like the first weekend - and then came to a DEAD STOP. The ads must have been really good to draw an initial crowd in, but once they saw it, they told everybody they knew not to waste their time going. Is Meg Ryan desparate at this point in her career. It would seem so based her presence in this film.

What say there, Fuzzy Britches? Feel like talking?



Not Rocky 6, but there will be a Rambo 5 or is it 6 already, lol...

"If only the good people go to Heaven, it must be a boring place"


I agree with everybody else. This was not as good as it could have been.


Yeah, what was up with that accent Meg Ryan was trying to do? What kind of accent was that supposed to be?
