Help me with this:

Where is the info about this exceedingly silly-sounding movie? Pictures? Trailers? Clips? Anything at all?

Or is this all just fake somehow? There's no possible way they're releasing this thing in September this year if they're not even promoting it yet.


SD Comic-Con is having a panel and showing some of it don't think this was ever meant to be a wide release type movie.


It is intended for IMAX release and is intended to be educational. More info at Wikipedia, which, for a change, is correct.


So, it's gonna be like 2008's Fly Me to the Moon?

Some say, you need to be as mad as a hatter...which luckily, I am!


The fact that this is only 45 min long and is at 10 mil budget makes me think if or when it comes be IMAX only and have a long run there?



So, it is a piece of educational (read government subsidized) *beep* which the people involved probably got a nice tax write off for doing it.
