MovieChat Forums > Ekkusu (2002) Discussion > Dragons of earth, Dragons of heaven ques...

Dragons of earth, Dragons of heaven question

Corect me if I am wrong the Dragons of Earth are good since they are protecting earth and Dragons of heaven are trying to rid of the humans correct? But heres my question, which group has the black demon like wings and which has the angel wings? I am always confused because people on different sites say the angel wings are evil and others say oposite, please help!!!


Hmm...this has confused me as well, but I'm going to try and answer your question to the best of my ability. Okay, The Dragons of Earth are wanting to destroy mankind and the Dragons of Heaven want to give mankind another chance, thus making the DoE bad and the DoH good (technically).

I've seen pictures where Fuma(DoE) has angel wings and Kamui(DoH) has demon wings. I don't know why the good guy has demon wings and the bad guy has angel wings. However, it probably has something to do with the fact that the Dragons of Earth (bad) are also referred to as the Seven Angels and that the Dragons of Heaven (good) are referred to as the Seven Seals.

I have also seen pictures where Kamui has one angel wing and one demon wing. I chose to interpret such pictures as Kamui representing both good and bad considering he has the ability to choose which side he will fight for. Also, their are two Kamui's (Kamui and Fuma), so I suppose one wing represents the good Kamui and the other represents the bad Kamui.

I hope that answered your question. But the whole DoE and DoH can get confusing at times. Have fun!



However, another problem arising from the series is that neither side is inherently good or evil. They just have different ideologies. Therefore, the who good vs. evil argument is therefore moot. This is one of the things that irritated me about the anime: they label the DoE as evil merely because they want to kill humanity (and in doing so, save the Earth). The anime completely screwed up that theme.


Allow me to clarify:

there is NO "good" or "evil" side here. The Dragons of Heaven (The Seven Seals) are fighting to protect humanity and the world as it exists today because even though they realize that humanity is doing terrible things to the planet and every other species upon it, they believe that humanity still has the chance to redeem itself and stop from going all the way down its pollution-paved path to ruin. The Dragons of Heaven do this (mainly) because they hold someone else dear to them whom they wish to protect from harm (in fact, it seems whenever a Dragon of Earth dies in the manga, a Dragon of Heaven "happens" to lose the person that they wish to protect, therefore negating their status as a Dragon of Heaven and causing them to switch sides . . . Subaru lost Seishirou and started hanging around the creepy Kamui--you know, The Psycho Formerly Known As Fuuma--and after Nataku's death, Arashi realized that she couldn't protect Sorata from his fate of dying for her but for the death of Kamui . . . Hinoto's dark self used this to trap Arashi and awaken her as a Dragon of Earth). This can't be said to hold ENTIRELY true . . . Kasumi Karen doesn't desire to protect any particular person, but rather seems to think that she should be sacrificing herself in order to protect all of Tokyo and the world (although her crush on Aoki is painfully obvious, and--prior to its death--she sympathized with Nataku, orphan that it was).

On the other side, you have the Dragons of Earth. They have no one or nothing which they wish to protect, and (although most of them just seem to be sadistic or demented--Sakurazuk amori, Creepy Kamui, Kigai Yuuto) they believe that humanity must be wiped out in order to renew the dying planet. As previously stated, most of the Dragons of Earth don't seem to be particularly dedicated to this noble goal so much as they seem to just enjoy turning Tokyo into a bloodbath. In regards to this HIGHLY antisocial behavior, I offer up a quote of Sakurazuka Seishirou from Tokyo Babylon: "People do evil, really, because they are lonely." Why does Kanoe gather the Dragons of Earth? Because her older sister ignores her and shuts her out and is honor-bound to lie in the basement of the Kokkai, wasting away as she tells politicians what they need to do to steal elections. Why does Seishirou hurt Subaru so very much? Because he's in love with Subaru, but believes himself to be too sinful to be allowed to love. Why does Satsuki aimlessly seek targets to destroy? Because she was treated like a trophy her whole life by the Freemasons, never allowed to have ordinary human contact (which is why it's so cute when you see her opening up to Yuutosan. ^.^). The Dragons of Earth DEFINE antisocial behavior in an extreme definition of the psychological sense of the word.

The Angel/Demon wing motifs that CLAMP scatters through X (randomly giving Fuuma angel wings, then Kamui angel wings, then Kamui demon wings), I take as representative of the moral confusion that you're experiencing yourself. No one is "right" or "wrong" in X. Humans ARE destroying the planet, but do they deserve to be exterminated? On the other side, what did the planet ever do to deserve the careless and destructive manner in which humans treat it? Moreover, I think CLAMP has been more steadily giving the Kamui of the Dragons of Earth the Angel wings in order to represent the fact that his purpose in renewing the Earth by killing off humanity is, in some way, noble (which goes against our sensibilities as humans). Similarly, by more consistently giving Shirou Kamui Demon wings, CLAMP seems to be saying that the human emotional pull toward protecting what we love isn't always a "pure" and "good" thing; there can be harmful by-products of such actions.


See, I understood all of that, and that is the original idea behind the anime. However, the anime itself does not follow this idea. For example, there are flaws with the idea that the Dragons of Heaven are protecting people, since they have such characters as Karen and the girl with Inuki (the spirit dog). Neither of these characters have people that they are specifically protecting. Furthermore, the strong guy/army guy from the Dragons of Earth does not agree with the philosophy of the Dragons of Earth, so he switches sides. Same with the bed-ridden guy, whose name I forget. So, the idea of the Seals protecting people does not apply to all and neither does the idea that the Angels are out to kill.

Plus, the anime itself sets the two groups as evil and good. As was previously stated, the Dragons of Earth kill pretty much indiscrimately, which labels them as evil, as the "saving the earth" is not fully developed. So, while I agree that the original concept was not to have good and evil, the anime set it up as good vs. evil.


The way I understood the whole 'angel wing/demon wing' thing was that it symbolized the fact that in Hinoto's dreams "Kamui's" identity was never firmly established- it could have been Kamui or Fuuma in either position, depending on Kamui's choice. There were a couple instances of the exact same dream being repeated, but the two characters simply switched roles (Kamui killing Fuuma at the top of the Tokyo building, then Fuuma killing Kamui at the top of the Tokyo building). The wings never materialized in real life; they only existed in Hinoto's (and maybe Satsuki's, I can't remember) dreams.

I agree with the whole argument that the series was trying to show the two sides as neither good or evil (Sometimes when I read the news I think that the Angels had the right idea after all), but I'm not sure that the wing images had anything to do with that.


first're wrong...the dragons of heaven are trying to save mankind and the dragons of earth want to save the earth by ridding it of mankind and letting it start anew....the dragons of heaven have the black wings and the dragons of earth have the angel wings if im correct...i dont really remember but i remember it being kind of backwards....


i do understand how the whold not good not bad thing goes. but seichiro never chose to become a dragon of earth. just like how fuma became a dragon of earth from kamui's decision, seishiro became a dragon of earth from subaru's decision. kusanagi becaomes a dragon of earth because his power is to be able to feel others feelings and he can feel how the earth is in pain. but he changes when he feels love from yuzuriha. kakiyou just wants to die so he can be with hokuto so he goes with the destroying human kind so he will die also. satski dosnt understand the double standerd of not killing humans even though they kill everything they meet. and yuuto well i have no clue about him.


There are a lot of good comments here as to how there is neither good nor evil. There are noble goals on both sides. The angels simply seem to be more cold about how the earth would best be benefited, whereas the seals, in general, are more emotional. What seems to have been forgotten, though, is the fact that no one but Kamui Shirow really had a choice what side they were going to be on (as illustrated by Kusanagi and Kakyou). The decision to try to save the earth or to save the people on earth was something that the dragons themselves made. The angels and the seals are merely representatives of the dragons, chosen by destiny. So the intentions and loyalties of the people are not so much an issue as what each of them does with the destiny that's been chosen for them...whether they will act in line with that destiny, or whether they will try to change it (Which, ultimately, I think is the point of the entire series), as demonstrated by characters like Kamui Shirow and Kusanagi. They were chosen to fulfill a certain destiny, but they fought against it for what they thought were better paths.
As far as the whole wing issue, I do believe it simply is a reference to the fact that there is no good or evil, but that both sides have their virtues and their flaws.

P.S.- I've not read the manga and I think the movie was too short to tell any kind of story. My comments are all based on the anime series.


An interesting thread.

The question of which of the two groups is good or bad is kind of up in the air .......both sides admit that they considered themselves neither good nor evil.....just doing what desenity has ordained since of the manga and series big theme is just that, desenity, the wing representation has always confused me as well considering the DoH are the technical protagonist in the story.......but as someone said the Dragons of Earth see themselves angels. deliverers of a great wraith that Earth desperately needs to survive......The Dragons of Heaven have demon wings.....while they love world and it people, they know it the people themselves who have been hurting the Earth but know that humanity could turn it self......meaning their mission is impure....

As for Kamui having both an a demon and angel wing it simply represent him being the wild card.....he does not know (in the beginning anyway) which side he stand on in final also represent his confusion on which side is right or wrong.
